A Mysterious Saiyan

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Mae carried the injured saiyan and laid him in a bed. She wondered to herself just who this man could be and why he looked so much like her father. She changed the cold cloth on his forehead and sighed. She managed to get his fever down, but he was still covered in sweat.

"Frieza...have to stop him..." The saiyan groaned in his sleep.

"You're gonna be okay," Mae assured him. Soon the saiyan relaxed a little and continued sleeping.

After a little while, Mae went back to the man and sat him up slightly. "Here have some water," she said gently spooning the water in his mouth.

The saiyan winced slightly but accepted the water. When Mae laid him back down he opened his eyes slightly. He looked at Mae for a moment before reaching a hand up. He gently brushed her cheek and smiled. "Gine, you're okay..."

Before Mae could ask, the man lost consciousness again. However he seemed more relaxed than before. "Whoever this 'Gine' person is must be important to him," Mae said to herself. She touched her cheek where he touched her. "Wonder why he looked at me like that though."

Mae thought about the strange encounter for a little while before deciding to check up on her children. They had been with her brother all night and she wanted to make sure they were alright. She went to the phone and dialed Gohan's phone number.

"Hey Mae," Gohan said once he answered.

"Hey," Mae replied. "How are the twins?"

"They're good. They went to visit mom for the day," Gohan explained. "They said you guys found an injured man?"

"Yeah," Mae said. "He's in real bad shape but hopefully he wakes up soon."

"Can't you give him a senzu bean?" Gohan asked his sister.

"I would if I had any. Dad took them all to go train with," Mae groaned.

"Oh I see," Gohan said after a moment. "Well the twins can stay here as long as needed."

"Thanks Gohan," Mae said. "I'll talk to you later."

"Later," Gohan said before hanging up.

Mae sat down in a chair and began to doze off. After a couple of hours she was awoken by someone knocking at the door. Groggy, she got up to see who it was. When she opened the door she was surprised to see her brother Goten standing, looking down at her.

"Hey!" Goten waved.

"Hey Goten," Mae rubbed her eyes and yawned. "What's up?"

"I was hoping to train with you. I think I'm ready to use super saiyan blue!" Goten said eagerly.

"Don't you normally train with Trunks?" Mae leaned against the door frame.

"Yeah, but he said he's busy," Goten scratched his head. "So will you train me?"

"Sure," Mae nodded and let her younger brother inside. "Let me just check something real quick."

"Okay," Goten nodded and followed Mae. When they entered the room the saiyan was in Goten exclaimed. "Woah! That guy looks like me and dad!"

"Yeah he does," Mae nodded. She went over and gave the saiyan more water and changed the cloth on his head.

"Who is he? Where'd he come from?" Goten questioned.

"I don't know," Mae shrugged. "Just showed up here all busted up."

"Oh weird," Goten said taking a closer look.

"Yeah, anyway lets go train in the gravity room," Mae said leading him to the training room.

Once they were inside Mae turned on the machine and adjusted the gravity. "Alright Mae, I hope you're ready!" Goten said taking up a fighting stance. His was similar to their father's.

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