-Chapter 62

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-Chapter 62: Here

"Are you on his side still, Yua?" I ask, looking at my co-worker and somewhat ally in the eyes. 

"I don't have much of a choice but to work for him still. Mari, I'm doing this for your sake so you can be free again. I don't like you being married to him," Yua tells me, bringing her hands to my shirt and adjusting it.  She's going to make my face burn from slight embarrassment for having that like that before. "Your collar was a mess so I fixed it. It is better now." I knew I did a bad job getting dressed in a hurry. How could I mess that up? 

It was hard for me to get dressed today knowing that I will end up here. My hands were shaking and I was feeling really sick for a bit. I nearly threw up too. However, this isn't for me and this is for the greater good of this world. Also, this is to make things right for Aruto.

"I know." I'm a mess right now because I'm about to be in front of my awful husband. "It seems like everyone is upset with you. I can see it in their eyes when they see you." I need to be more confident or else Gai will see-right-through me. 

"It is a long story and it has to do with working for ZAIA. It certainly makes everyone an enemy due to how he handles things," Yua responds. And by he, she means Gai. "You're going to be just fine when you go up there. I just want you to be able to live your life without being forced to do things. Just don't tell Gai you're working with me on this."

"I won't." I don't want to drag her down with me at all. I'm only aiming to bring myself down with Gai because that is how our relationship is meant to end. 

"Us ladies have to stick together. I had the wrong opinion about you when we first met, Mari. You're not some seductress trying to get with people in high power. You're a woman who is figuring out who she is after being broken for so long." Yua smiles. This is the most genuine smile I have seen her do since she joined ZAIA full-time again. "I believe you will figure it out in due time."

She looks over at the door to Gai's office and looks back at me. "Is something wrong?" I ask. Is there something wrong with my face to her? She's staring at it very intently. 

"It amazing how different you look from the before pictures. I honestly almost can't believe that you were once Juli Okabe." 

It must be difficult to wrap one's head around someone looking so dramatically different from how they use to. Even I have issues believing it at times. I sometimes forget that I changed my face now that I remember my life before all of this. It is so weird when I do slip up and nearly freak out over my face for a moment. I should be absolutely used to it. 

"But I was at one point." And I honestly rather be back there right now before I made the choice to get into that car with Gai. If I could turn back time, I would change that moment so I could decide my own face.

The moment I met Gai, it sealed my fate here in Japan. Honestly, why did Allen have to have him over? Gai isn't someone anyone can truly trust. He is only out for himself and his precious image. Also, I'm pretty sure he is all about his wallet too. 

"But I am only doing things for you, Mari. I won't do it for the others at all," Yua tells me. "Okay, it is time to get you inside that room with him. Mari, chin up and stay strong. You can do this and get Halo Horizons for yourself." I hope so.

I look over at the door and sigh a bit. "Here goes nothing." I can do this, I think.

"It won't result in nothing at all, Mari. Good luck."

I nod my head and move up to the door, placing my hands on it. I have this, right? It isn't going to be scary with him at all or at least I hope it doesn't end up that way.

I open the door and step into the room, forcing myself to look at Gai as he looks up from his desk. Time to make up some sort of story to benefit myself and not get into a sticky situation with him. That is the last thing I need to happen.

"What are you doing here?" he asks. Not like he needs to know what I'm doing here since he probably already knows why I am here. He knows I'm going to come back to him.

Gai isn't some idiot, he knows I'm here for a reason and that I will get what I want from him. If I don't get what I want, I will go. I will walk out and never show my face again. 

"I wanted to let you know that I'm on your side, Gai," I lie, closing the door behind myself. "When they freed me from the mental institution, I realized the error of my ways."

"I am glad that you realized who you're able to really trust, Mari. I was worried that he would convince you otherwise, but I did have confidence in you. You're always doing what you can to better yourself and your life."

"I was dumb for freaking out over the face thing. You did the right thing, Gai," I tell him, resisting the urge to vomit. "Yua convinced me that all you do for me is out of your care and concern for my safety. I believe her words and they have comforted me a lot." I just need to say generic stuff to get him off my back. Easy.

He nods. "Yua is good at helping me out when I need it. I am glad that she convinced you to come back to me and give me another chance. I am sure you were having regrets the moment I left you at the mental hospital. Did they treat you respectfully?" He cares about the treatment of me there? Sure, whatever!

"The pills they gave me made me see everything much clearer." It was mostly mental fog and sleep. And seeing things. I can't forget seeing things. I did not enjoy the visit from Elise and Horobi because they were absolutely rude. 

"I am glad that you have seen the errors you have made and are willing to change. How about you come and great me like a good wife would?" That's not a suggestion from his lips, right? That is certainly an order.

I move closer to his desk and place my hands on it, leaning forward a bit. "It is an honor to be back at your side, my love," I tell him, staring into his dark eyes. If they could smile smugly, they would. Pretty dang sure of it.

He stands up and leans in towards me, smiling. "How about you give me a kiss to show me how you feel about me now?"

"Are you sure you want to waste productive work time on me kissing you?" I force a laugh. "You do know that you should be working hard, right? You have to defeat Hiden Intelligence easily and take over." I don't want to be intimate with him.

He leans even closer. "I am still working inside my my head, alright? Do not worry about anything that has to do with that man and his company. They're going to go down and become mine." Like hell they will!

I shrug my shoulders and lean in closer, pressing my lips against his quickly and pulling back. "I love you, honey, and I won't leave you side. Never again."

He kisses my cheek gently and smirks. "Please don't ever use harsh words with me again and freak out over some misunderstanding. Everything I have done for you has been for the greater good of this world." Oh, sure it has.

I nod my head. "Yeah, I know." Changing my face was for his own good. He didn't even get my opinion on how I wanted to look. He's just lucky I ended up looking good!

"I am going to take really good care of you from now on, Mari. I promise that you won't head back to that hospital."

"Alright." I hope that he doesn't send me back. I hated that place because I was seeing crap. Seeing Horobi was plain weird. "That sounds good to me and I know that we have a promising future together."

"I know that we do."

"Oh, I believe that we do for sure. We're a good match for each other and I promise to not leave your side ever again. Also, I do have something to talk to you about." I need to talk to him about Halo Horizons soon. 

"Alright, I can talk to you about what you want to talk to me about soon. However, I rather take care of you first and that isn't a bad thing. Don't freak out about me wanting to take care of you." So, he's going to play?

I force a smile and nod. "Sounds good, my dear."

I am going to stab him in the back so hard and he won't see it coming.

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