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I'm suddenly stopped as froppys tongue wraps around my automail stopping me." Froppy let me go. This human has been tampered with and must be released." She shakes her head." We have to get out of here. The teachers will be here any moment." I snatch my arm away carful not to hurt her." Even if they do then what? Are you going to just sit back and let them save you all your life. One thing that's different about me from you guys, is that everyone of you guys whether you want to believe it or not, grew up sheltered. You dont know what war is. You've never been in it. I have and I'm not willing to sit back and keep seeing the innocent wounded and killed. Nobody deserves what happened to nina." I say walking away from her. In seconds I've lunged at the beast dodging blows and attacks.

I jump back surprised. It acted as if my blows had no effect. Ok plan B then. Clapping my hands I slam them on the ground. Two pieces of the ground raise and clamp together around the monster. Smirking I have it trapped. Walking forward, it moves making me realize it wont hold for long. Climbing up the rock I stare it in the eyes. Only I see nothing. This human had been so experimented on and tampered with that it was no longer human in the slightest. Just as I'm about to activate my soul release circle I'm thrown away. Jumping back I land in a crouch. Angry to see Allmight. Damn I had it trapped. I could have freed it.

Allmight fights it, I try intervening, but I'm suddenly pulled back by midoriya and bakugo. I struggle against their grasps. I was almost free too when more heros barge in and start evacuating the students and arresting the villians." Damnit release me now." I growl angry.

They dont. I sigh, I didnt want to have to do this but they leave me no choice. Clapping my hands I jerk away long enough just to watch horrified as allmight punches the upper half of the beast into the sky. No longer to be seen.

I stare stunned and angry. These people have no idea what their doing. How can they be heros? What took them so long anyway? I pull away as a random hero tries pulling me away. I glare at anyone who tries talking to me. There all ignorant. They think there helping but there actually prolonging the suffering of that poor creature. I could have easily laid it to rest and everyone would have been fine. The way back to the school was quiet. Even when we get back it was quiet. The injured were rushed to the hospital. Others were sent home to wait. I hate this world. I hate the people who created that being and the ones who don't realize what their doing by just trying to kill them.

I want to go home. Ed and Al understand me. I need to do all I can to find a way home. For the time being I go back to toshinoris house. He was so kind. I wonder where he was? I go to my room and just lay down.

After getting checked out and making sure the other students are fine I head home. I was worried about Cecilia. She was acting weird when she saw that monster. She was almost drawn to it. She became very aggressive too. Then when I punched it away she became ridged. She acted sad, but angry. I wonder if this has something to do with where she came from?

Sighing I get home exhausted. Opening Cecilia's door I check on her. She was quietly sleeping. Walking over I pull the blanket over her stunned to see she was crying. Why had she been crying? Did she feel bad for that monster? I had to defeat it. The monster was hurting people.

Leaving her room I sigh plopping down on the couch. I dont know how parents handle this pressure. I do something good that protects people and I upset her. Life is to complicated.

For the next few weeks I roam around the city going to every library and book store I could find. I found a few books that could potentially help, but I'm not sure until I finish reading them. School starts back up again tomorrow, but I have no intention of going. I need to find a way back. Ed's probably having a coronary right now because he cant use any alchemy to try and help. I miss them a lot. Al is probably trying to help, but I imagine his body is still very weak.

Groaning I get up leaving the house. But not before grabbing my bag. Toshinori gave me 100 dollars to get the things I need. I have a few pairs of clothes, but not enough to get me through the week. I go to the local clothes store picking out a few tank tops, shorts, gloves, some underwear, a bra and some socks. Basic necessities. I leave still having 85 dollars left. Stuffing the clothes in my bag I go to a local café ordering a hamburger and fries. The look on peoples faces when they saw my automail was amusing, but annoying.

Once they've seen it they wont stop staring. So I'm quick to leave to avoid any unwanted questions. Sighing I head to the park and sit on a bench. I pull out one of my books and begin reading. Before I know it I close the book surprised to see it was sunset. Putting the book away I head back to toshinoris place.

Once there I'm surprised to see he was sitting at the table, which had an array of different foods on it. Yummy. He looks up and smiles at me." Come join me Cecilia, you must be hungry." I nod dropping my bag in the corner and taking off my shoes. Dinner was peaceful and nice something I wasnt used to in the slightest.

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