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I visit midoriya, hearing he's been depressed since he found out what happened. I knock on the door hearing a quiet come in. Walking in I see midoriya and a young woman with the same green hair as him." O am I interrupting? I can come back-" I'm cut off as the woman rushes to my side hugging me tight. I stand stunned not know what to say." Thank you for saving my son." I smile patting the lady's back.

"There, there Mrs. Midoriya, I did nothing that anyone else wouldnt have done if they had the opportunity. I was simply trying to help a friend." She smiles bright wiping her face with a tissue." Just thank you." I smile and nod.

"How are you better? Allmight told me you were in a horrible condition." Midoriya asks." I'll give you some time to talk." She turns to leave, but stops again turning around." Again thank you, cecilia." I smile, as she leaves. Looking back to midoriya I see he had bandages on his arms.

"I have my ways using alchemy." He stares at me for a moment looking confused, but doesnt push the subject. He then looks down seeing my right arm. He gasps at how damaged it was. "Your automails been damaged." I sigh, nodding." Do you know how to fix it?" Looking back down at the damage, I answer." I've been taught how to build my automail, but it depends on how much the internals have been damaged. I wont know till I open it. If I have to rebuild a new arm, that may prove troublesome at finding the right parts." He sighs.

"I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble." I frown at the freckled boy." Modoriya I've told you, I'm fine. Yes I was hurt, but I'm healed now. I can fix the damage to my limbs. Now, stop moping." I say ruffling is hair. My arm twitches and stops a moment making me frown. "I guess I'll take my leave so you and your mom can be together more." I say getting up" cecelia, thank you." He says.  I smile, reaching for the door. My arm wouldnt obey. I use my left, not used to the feeling.

I leave the hospital heading back to the school. I needed to use the technology lab, and borrow some tools. Getting to the school I use a screw driver to take the outer cover off my auto mail. At first glance it didnt look bad, but the more I looked, the more I realized how damaged it was. I wouldnt have to replace everything, but I would have to detach the nerves to fix the issues. Fuck my life.

I reserved the lab for a few weeks so I could fix my limbs. My left arm and leg were easy to fix. My right arm though I had to replace almost all the wiring. Currently I had my arm on the table and the nerves detached. I couldnt detach the whole without help. I need winry for that. This will just have to do.

I worked on fixing my limbs for the next few weeks. Only a limited number of people were allowed in. It's just that the process of fixing the damage was so extreme that if I became distracted and messed up one thing, either my arm wouldnt work right or it would cause extreme pain when I reattached the nerves and tried using it again.

I'm about to reattach my nerves when theirs a knock on the door." Uhh, come in!" I say setting down my rench, I'll need it in a minute to finish screwing in the bolts.

In walks toshinori. I smile." Hay Cecilia, hows the arm doing?" I smile again looking down at the newly repaired arm." O it's good, the damage was mostly the wiring so I was able to repair the damage without scraping the whole arm itself. I'm actually almost done, would you like to help?" He reluctantly agrees. He puts on a pair of gloves and walks over.

I point to a small opening, inside was 6 wires. Three were wired nerves and the others three were the receiving nerves." Ok I just need you connect all three to the corresponding color." I say mentally preparing myself. I grab the corner of table.

A sharp pain spreads across my shoulder, then another, and another as all 6 nerves are connected. I take a minute before standing. I move my arm around making sure everything was working. "Thanks toshinori." He nods helping me clean up my mess before we leave. I head back to the class. I walk in." Hay everyone, I'm back." I say grinning. They all stare at me stunned. Some start blushing." Um Cecilia your shirt." Looking down I notice I was in nothing, but a sports bra. Whoops." Look away you fuckers. Cecilia dont walk around without clothes. Bakugo scolds while getting up and placing his jacket around me. I smile," thank you katsuki." He stops stunned, turning his head away, but I could see the red tinting his face.

"Ok love birds return to your seats so we can continue." We do and I apologize for the disruption." As I was saying in 2 weeks will be your midterms. Anyone who doesn't pass will have to take remediate classes while at the training camp." We all nod, I raise my hand." Yes cecelia?" I stand." Sir will English be on the test?" I ask worriedly. I'm not good at english.

"Yes cecilia, English will be on the test. Any more questions?" No ones raises a hand." Ok class is dismissed then." My face smashes into the desk as I groan. I hate english, probably because I'm not good at it." What's wrong Cecilia?" Mina asks. I sigh." I'm not good at English at all!" She burst out laughing." And here I thought you were absolutely perfect. You can come to our study sessions if you'd like. " I smile." Thanks mina, your a life saver." She gives me a thumbs up.

For the rest of the day I study with mina, mineta, kaminari, midoriya, froppy, uraraka and momo. Then I go home and go to bed.

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