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Yo, my lovely readers! This is my latest story! It's inspired slightly by Controlled, by camosnowball. Thanks to him, or her!

The first day.

Izuku's first day was a hellish experience. He knew most of his classmates from childhood. He had even been close with a few of them... But when he turned out to be quirkless, they all abandoned him... They betrayed him. Even his mother's face had soured when the doctor said that his CT Scan ended up normal. His brain hadn't fully developed the Hyperthalamus, the part of the brain that allowed humans to develop a quirk. His mother simply thought that he was a late-bloomer... That he was a rare case, but... He wasn't, but that was besides the point. To Izuku, the past was the past. He tried his best to forgot all of those moments.

Izuku ran through the streets. He was late for his last year of middle-school! He ran through the streets, with leaps mixed in here and there. He rushed across the freeway, not noticing the sleek black sedan rushing at high speeds. Only at the last minute did he notice the rushing sedan, but alas, it was too late. He was ran over, sent flying across the street, slamming against the hard sidewalk.

His vision blurred. He couldn't feel his legs... His back hurt tremendously... He felt a warm liquid flow from his head, as his vision slowly slipped from him, his consciousness leaving him... His grip on reality slowly slipping. A small smile appeared on his face, as he felt a great burden being lifted from his shoulders... He'd finally be back with Kami... He'd be accepted... Or he thought he would.

He felt himself turn to ice, as his vision turned black. He... He had died. In the background, he heard panicked screams, and heavy breathing... Even the roar of a distant siren. That wouldn't have happened if the sedan driver knew he was quirkless.... Right?

The Second Day

A man with hair akin to the sky, that had a light blue tint, sat down watching the news. His lips were cracked, and his skin bloody and coarse. Scratch marks. He was quietly watching the news, stoic, until his eyes suddenly widened as a dead body was displayed. The body of a local High School student. Izuku Midoriya. The man shot up, running down the stairs, running past a blonde girl, who looked quite surprised. He entered a bar, pressing a button under the counter, as a man made of purple must looked at him, surprised. A second or two later, the T.V flashed, and man with a black rebreather over his head emerged from a chair from the TV . He simply said,

"What now, Tomura?"

His voice had an aura of authority to it, like he was used to being... King. The now named Tomura shuddered, as the mist kept quiet. Tomura quickly replied in an obviously respectful, yet fearful voice, "With all due respect, master, your son... Is dead." The man that was held in high respects simply nodded, as a noise came from him.

"Bring me to him. Now."

At the morgue

Izuku Midoriya lay dead on a cold steel operating table. They were performing an autopsy, finding out if the kid was drunk. People rarely dart across freeways, so they just had to be sure. He hadn't a trace of alcohol in his blood stream, nor a single gram of any form of illegal drug. He was only a 14 year old, after all.

The diener was currently stitching up the body of the deceased teen, who had died far too early. Before the diener had even gotten halfway through the stitching, the sound of fast wind could be heard, and a purple mist appeared, a swirling mist. From the swirling mist appeared a man in a formal suit, suitable for a high-class bartender. From behind him, a man with sky-bluebhair, tinted with light blue, Tomura.

The diener looked deathly afraid. As he picked up a short scalpel, pointing it at them, though he was shaking like a vibrator on full-power. Tomura's face twisted in to a sinister smirk, as he himself swiftly grabbed the throat of the diener, as the Diener's throat turned to dust, a spew of blood spilling all over the ground, a little landing on Izuku. The head of the man fell, landing on the scalpel, which had dropped from the hands of the, now corpse, of the diener. The scalpel could be seen from the back of the diener's head, as bits of brain and shards of bone could be seen from the back of the diener's shaved head.

Tomura simply chuckled as he watched the grotesque scene in action, while Kurogiri approached the deceased body of the son of their master, All for One. He hoisted the limp body of Izuku Midoriya upon his shoulder, gesturing for Tomura to follow him, as he produced a portal made of purple mist once again, this time leading to their secret base. Tomura simply said, "All this trouble for a quirkless brat..." At this, Kurogiri was slightly shocked, looking at Tomura the black abyss he had for eyes contorted. "He is Master's son. We should not disrespect him in this way."

Tomura simply responded with a grumble, as they both entered the portal, arriving at the aforementioned bar, used as a base of operations for the League of Villains. Shigaraki quickly went to the fridge behind the counter, grabbing himself a cold beer, chugging down his throat, relishing the burning feeling of the alchoholic liquid on his throat. Kurogiri simply shook his head, entering the door that led to the basement of the bar, passing by jail cells full of tortured inmates, some being dead, some on the verge of death, but all quirkless. They were the ones that had their quirks stolen for the purpose of conducting Nomu experiments. Kurogiri had felt bad for them, but he was a villain, after all.

At the end of the hallway, there was a large and rather secure door, akin to a vault dorr, but with a fingerprint and eye scanner, along with an automated cannon. It was the research lab, and All for One's 'throne room'. As Kurogiri entered the room, a mechanical throne spun around, revealing All For One, the man that had a pitch black mechanical rebreather. Besides him, sat a chained and gagged man, with open wounds all over, most burns, but some were decayed skin and flesh, Tomura's 'Decay' quirk. Dried tears and blood smears lay around his face, as his nose was cherry red. A prisoner that All for One had brought into the throne room. Rare, but not the first time.

All for One nodded, as he said "Thank you, Kurogiri. Please leave my son on the operating table, please remove his clothing." Of course, Kurogiri did as he was told, laying Izuku flat on his back on the operating table, removing his clothing by method of cutting it off. He wasn't about to lift Izuku up. All For One stood up from his seat, his tall and strong frame towering over Kurogiri's average height. He placed his hand on his son's forehead, saying; "It shall be alright, my child. You do not perish today." All For One then placed his hand on the forehead of the shackled prisoner, as he attempted to squirm away, to no avail.

Kurogiri watched on in shock, as Izuku started to glow brightly, and the prisoner roared in pain, his eyes going blank. After a minute or so of this action, the prisoner stopped breathing, but he still looked balanced. He was petrified. Izuku, started to wake, as he eventually shot up, staring at the two before him. He had no idea who they are, as he chose not to say anything, but All for One said;

"Welcome back, Izuku Midoriya."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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