Part 1: We all know

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A smile crept across your face as you watched Bucky beat Sam at darts again. The bar was loud but you could tell Sam was accusing Bucky of cheating for having a metal arm.

"You might want to close your mouth there," Natasha gestured at you.

"Shut up," you say playfully. "Is it that obvious?" Natasha laughed again. "To us (y/n) yes. To him no. I don't think he has a clue." She took another sip of her beer.

"Who doesn't have a clue?" Steve asked setting another round of beers on the table. "Bucky," said Natasha grabbing a new one. You kicked her under the table.

"Oh you mean (y/n) ridiculous huge crush on him. Yeah he has no idea." Steve said nonchalantly making your cheeks blush.

"You see (y/n), we all know." Natasha reemphasized. You smiled at her and Steve. Since you started working with the team a year and a half ago they've been great to you. A very strange older sister and brother to guide you through your new life. And Bucky, he'd been great too. At first he rarely spoke. But as time passed he talked more, laughed more and you slowly became good friends.

He taught you how to use a knife in close combat and you helped him navigate socially through the new world. He became comfortable with asking you questions he was embarrassed to ask others. You'll never forget the time you choked on your orange juice, when Bucky quietly asked what M.i.l.f meant. He said Tony used it alot. You explained what it meant and watched as a blush fell across his face.

You reassured him there was nothing to be embarrassed by and encouraged him to keep asking. Like you always said, you don't know if you don't ask.

As you helped him through multiple similar moments you two developed your own relationship, a platonic one, but still, you felt closest with him. Sometimes you and Bucky stayed up late watching movies or binging Netflix. And those moments were the reason you never told him your true feeling. If he didn't reciprocate you could lose him. And if being his friend was the only way you could have him, it would be enough for you. At least you hoped.

You continued to watch him and Sam across the bar. Bucky grabbing another drink from the new bartender. You watched as other women at the bar oogled him and attempted to get his attention and failed. You never asked why he didn't go out, he didn't lack female attention. Truth is you didn't want to know. Thinking about him with another women made you physically sick.

You decided to leave the bar and go back to the compound. You were dead on your feet and needed your bed immediately. You decided to walk since it was a nice warm late June evening, feeling the alcohol more than before. "Wait up!" You turn around watching Bucky running up behind you.

"Hey what's up?" You grin at him. He flashed you a smile that always made your insides melt. "I'm not going to let you walk back alone. I could never," he held out his arm. You wrapped your hand around his arm, slowly dying inside from the nearness. You could smells his cologne, bourbon and oak. You felt the heat from his skin against your fingers, which were wrapped around hard muscles. He towered over you so you always had to look up to meet his gaze, which made you feel even smaller next to him. Keep it together.

"I feel like we haven't talked all day (y/n). Is everything okay?" You continued to walk beside him slowly.

"Everything is fine Buck," you smile. "It's just been a long day and I'm really tired." It wasn't necessarily a lie.

"Okay just wanted to make sure you're alright. I like having you around." He said making you laugh. You arrived at the compound and take the elevator up together. You already missed holding his arm. Your body still tingling from the contact.

You exit the elevator and begin to head to your room. "Hey!" Bucky yelled down the hall making you turn around. "Movie night tomorrow right?" You shook your head yes at him. "What did you decide on?" You ask him. "You'll see," he teased disappearing back into the elevator.

You slept in since it was Saturday and you didn't have an active assignment at the moment. You were woken up by the smell of coffee and oak. Bucky had walked into your room unannounced and without warning, as per usual. It was a habit he was too comfortable with.

"Good morning doll," your heart flopped. He set the coffee on the nightstand and held out a jelly donut, your favorite. "Thank you," you say taking a bite. While Bucky has always been nice, you knew something was up by the grin on his face.

"What are you up too Barnes?" You accused. He held up his hands playfully, "Nothing. Can't one friend bring another friend breakfast?" He said sarcastically. You shook your head at him, disbelieving. "What do you want Barnes?" You finish your donut.

"Okay," he began while sitting next to you on the bed. "I need your help," he pleaded. You don't know why but you felt a pit begin in your stomach. "With what Buck?" You almost stuttered.

"I have a date," he said excitedly. Your stomach dropped. "I know it's unexpected and I wasn't really for it but Sam said I needed to at least try and get back out there. You know Sam he's relentless sometimes," it was hard to concentrate on his words when all you could hear was your heart pounding in your ears. "Anyway, he set it up with Lisa. That new bartender. But I have no idea what to do anymore and I don't really trust Tony or Sam's crazy advice."

You realized you hadn't said a word or even moved as he talked. Luckily you don't think he noticed as he word vomitted his situation to you. He stared at you with his bright blue eyes pleading, "so will you (y/n)?" You shook yourself back into the conversation. "what?" You asked him.

"Will you help me with my date?" He asked grabbing your hands in his

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"Will you help me with my date?" He asked grabbing your hands in his. "Pleeease," he joked. Your throat went dry. But you managed to say, "of course Buck. What are friends for." He kissed your hand, "thanks (y/n). You're the best. I'll see you tonight for movie night," he said leaving your room.

You threw yourself backwards on the bed. Fucking kill me now you yell suffocating yourself with a pillow.


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