part 3: what the hell

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It was 11 p.m and you couldn't sleep. Bucky still wasn't back from his date and your mind was racing. Did they have a nice dinner? Did he laughs at her jokes? Did she even make any? Did they hold hands? Has he already kissed her? Did he like it?

You let out a loud groan, when you heard a knock at your door. You opened it to see Natasha holding a bottle of your favorite red wine.

"Sorry I would've come sooner, but I just got back with Sam and Cap from London," she apologized walking inside

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"Sorry I would've come sooner, but I just got back with Sam and Cap from London," she apologized walking inside.

You smile, "Thanks Nat, but you didn't have to come over. I'm sure you're exhausted."

"I am. But I know you. And that tonight was Bucky's date. So I knew you would be up torturing yourself." She said as she turned the cork from the bottle. "Plus I'm sure we could both use a drink." She wasn't wrong.

"I know you like him (y/n). I'll admit when you guys are together there's something there. Maybe he doesn't realize it but I see it. We all can see it. I don't think you're feelings are one sided." You gulped down the glass or red wine listening to Nat. "I think you should tell him," you shook your head no, ready to argue.

Natasha held out her hand, "I know you think that you might ruin your friendship. But I don't think you will. I think maybe that's why he's never said anything either. Because he's scared to ruin what you have too. You always say 'you don't know, if you don't ask'. I think you should know."

Her words hit you like a brick. What if he feels the same way too?  You were so focused on him not feeling that way that you never considered that he could feel that way. You pour another glass and consume it like water. You felt the warm tingle of alcohol start to affect you. "You're right Nat. Maybe it's time to just put myself out there."

"Well why wait?" Nat said sipping her wine. "I saw him close his door when I walked past. Hes probably still up."

You stood there motionless but your head was fueled by liquid courage. "You're right. I'll never know if I don't ask." Natasha smiles and waves you away. You leave and walk down the hall to Bucky's door.

You've stood outside this door plenty of times. But this time it would be different. This time is going to change everything. Your knock was weak at best and you immediately regretted it when you heard it. The giggle. Her giggle. Shit he brought her back here, not the right time. Leave leave now!!
You step back falling a little off balance and just as you turn to hustle away he opened the door. Bucky stood over you with no shirt on. He reached out to steady you, "Hey (y/n) you okay? It's late didn't think you'd still be up." You steady your feet and look anywhere but his eyes. "Sorry Bucky I didn't mean to interrupt you." You slip your arm from his grasp as if it's made of fire. "I'll just see you in the morning." You hurry down the hallway.

"Wait (y/n)," you hear him call after you. But you dont look back. You couldn't look back because tears were already falling from your eyes. What the hell was I thinking?

Natasha was already gone when you got back to your room. A small victory because you didn't want her to see you crying. How could you be this stupid? Of course he brought her back because he was into her and not you.

Your heart thumped hard in your throat as you sank to the floor. 

like a fool, you missed your chance....

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