Hey everyone I'm sorry for not having updated a lot lately, I've just been through many things the last couple of months and have been dealing with writers block for some time. But I'll try to get back to writing and update more frequently, anyway with that being said please enjoy another chapter of reading your comments.
Me: Hey guys and welcome back to another reading your comments, where you can comment your questions or whatever you feel like commenting to the Guard or anyone else! Anyway ready for the first comment Kion?
Kion: You know I am *smiles*
Me: Alright then. First question is from CourageousPrincess18
"Fuli, do you remember anything about your family?"
Fuli: Hmm... not that I can think of, I was to take care of myself from a pretty young age and haven't really thought too much about them.
Me: Raptor16m asks
"Kion or anyone of the guard, which one which one is in your opinion your worst bad guy, next to Scar? Scar doesn't count as an answer.
Kion: I would say when we had to deal with Kenge the monitor lizard.
Me: Alright FulitheFastest124 has a question for Janja.
"Janja, why do you dislike Kion so much?"
Me: I've been wondering the same thing. Mind explain Janja?
Janja: Because he is so nice toward others and he always ruin my plans.
Me: Thanks for the question FulitheFastest124. And that was all questions for this time. Stay tuned for next time guys and take care.
Also before I forget, next time is going to be a special reading your comments with all the Dark Lion characters so be ready for that.
The Lion Guard Reading Your Comments
UmorismoMe and Kion will answer all of your comments. But it doesn't only have to be questions. It can be about anything. Now that we have cleared that lets read those comments!