Chapter One

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" Are you fucking kidding me!!" Rosa shouted as she slammed her enemies head repeatedly on the glass table until his head caved through the glass

"You've ruined my new fucking dress!"
She stopped in her tracks as she heard the bedroom door fly open 5 guards ran in,
all aiming there gun at the incredibly beautiful girl.

Rosa froze she didn't have a plan B she never has a plan B because she never needs one "fuck" she whispered
"Come on now boysss you should put those weapons down" Rosa insisted,
One of the guards laughed in amusement
"I am a lady after all or are you all afraid I'll beat your ass" a grin appeared on the young girls face,
The one guard stupid enough to listen to her dropped his weapon,
the thing was that was her plan her lips curled into a deadly smile as she moved her toes under the gun lifting her leg up fast flinging the gun into the air only for her to catch it and kill all five men.

But for Rosa, luck was never really on her side.. one man came running at her from behind,
Body slamming her up the wall causing her eyebrow to cut open, blood trickled down the side of her face, she touched her eyebrow and winced,
"you fucking cunt asif you just did that!" she shouted and through a lamp at him,
she then got to her feet and tried to run but he grabbed her ankle causing her to fall
The man climbed on top...of her strangling
Rosa, she tried kicking the giant man of her but he wasn't budging

Rosaline could feel the air in her lungs running out she knew it was only a matter of time until he killed her and with that in mind she
reached for anything she could feel
"I am not dying, especially not in this dress you fuck-tard!!" She shouted as she felt a shard of broken glass cut her hand
She knew what to do, stabbing him in the eyeball with her last remaining breath; her eyes rolled out of consciousness
Rosa blacked out.


"One to Four" ....
"One to Fourrrr" One said getting abit pissed off at the fact Four was taking the piss to answer
"I've just fucking got to the top of the building Jesus" Four snapped panting as he ran his hand through his blonde hair
"Uhhh One... is there supposed to be a girl with a red dress there?"
"What? NO, OBVIOUSLY FUCKING NOT" One said practically having a fanny fit

Four watched the girl with amazement as she smashed one of the guards head on a glass table... multiple times..
"Well she's killing the guards" Four said with a grinn spreading across his face
"She's fucking what?" Five said in disbelief and a hint of jealousy may I add
"Do something about her Four wtf!!" One groaned as he believed his plan was failing

Four slid down the side of the building, dropping very quietly onto the balcony he stayed low getting a closer look at the girl
He watched as she was outnumbered
"I think she's being dealt with" Four murmured

Gunshots filled the air 5 bodies drop dead. Fours jaw dropped he proceeded licking his lips with lust, all that power, all that anger god was it a turn on
"Four what the fucks happening!!" Seven replied not getting any details
"She just killed them all andddd now she's passed out... I'm going in"

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