Chapter Two

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** Rosa's POV**
My eyes fluttered open, I had such bad dry mouth, I tried to move but my hands were tied

"She's awake" I heard a deep British voice say
As my Vision fixed I had 5 people surrounding me
"What the fuck do you want" I spat, rather curious though
"No need to be a bitch" I heard a familiar voice from a far
"Oh fuck off" I replied
"Untie her and bring her to me" the voice said still not showing his face

This tall Mexican grabbed my arms tightly so I didn't run "owwwee can you not kid" I moaned
He looked at me with a shut the fuck up look..
Sooo I did.

We walked out of this broken plane I think? Towards a trailer and the tall man told me to wait rather angrily.

"Missed me?"
It was that same voice, that voice that I know.
I immediately turned around horrified by what I was looking at
My heart sunk it was like it shattered into a million peices
My legs wanting to fold.
No, thats not happening I told myself
I sniffed holding back the tears but by doing that I only got pissed off

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!!! HOW, WHY ARE TOU ALIVE???" I screamed at the top of my lungs

- in the plane-

"Oh fuck. How do you think they know eachother?" Two asked
"Fuck knows but fuck me it seems like hes in shit" Five said

- back in the trailer -

"I- I faked my own death so I could help the world get rid of allll the nasty fuckers and I mean the nasty fuckers" One murmured

I laughed " are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! You left me alone Ray.. fucking alone!" Tears left my eyes and my body crumbled "I thought i had nobody, I've been alone since the day you fucking died you sick fuck!"

"Listen Rosa I did what was best." One shot back
"Are you hearing how stupid you sound you fucking freak" I snapped
"Oh fuck off Rosa your lucky I even brought you with me" One spat
"fuck-yu- fucking- peice-ov-shit" I screamed as I jumped onto his back punching him in the face at least 3 times,
He forced us backwards crushing me against the trailer wall "you prick!" I said pulling his hair
"Get the fuck off me Rosa I'm- ooOOOWwWww" One squealed

The door burst open and a walking god stared at us both with amusement
"So Fucking childish" he said
"GET OUT" me and Ray yelled as we proceeded beating the shit out of eachother
The boy walked over to us ignoring that we just told him to get out and he ripped me off of the cunt himself
"What the fucks goin on" Four asked genuinely wanting to know
I looked over to Ray waiting for him to say something
"Four this is my ugly twin, no names, fatty your Zero now" he snarled
"Are you kidding me what the fuck is this bullshit" I hissed

No names? What the fuck??

Four looked at me with a smile "welcome to the team fatty"

"Fuck off you nerd" I said rolling my eyes

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