Chapter Three

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*4 weeks later*

"Im gonna Fucking kill you, you fucking peice of shit" I yelled at Four
Four grinned looking me up and down
I was wearing my short shorts and a black vest, it was one of them musty hot days you know?

"Well sweetheart it's not like you need it do you" he said licking his sexy sexy lips
God them lips
"Just give it me back you pervert" I hissed ignoring the fact I had butterflies,
The prick took my fucking bra.

"I think your the perv here darling, wasn't you the one  spying on me?" He said rather proud of himself
Like he wasn't lying but still..
"It's your own fault it should be a crime to walk around looking like that you dick" I replied

"Wouldn't you love to see it" Four winked as he stepped closer and closer to me
Barring in mind his top was not on so his abs and veins and muscles and everything was on show
"Charming as always" I huffed rolling my eyes to the back of my head

ffs just dick me down alreadyyy

He stopped inches away from my face, he bent down and whispered in my ear "I'll give you what I know your craving" as he said that I felt his hands creep towards my inner thigh
I gasped in shock
I felt his seductive smirk against my cheek, then Four began planting small light kisses down my jaw then licking and sucking on my neck
my breathing hitched
He's never acted like this before

Not complaining btw hehe

Tingles sent flying through my body
I grabbed his face with force pushing his back up against the wall;
a grin krept upon his lips as he watched me be the dominant one,

His hands trailing from my neck, to my waist to then squeezing and caressing my bum
he flipped us around so I was up the wall
He grabbed my legs wrapping them around his hips;
our kissing became more violent, more needed
he pressed his body into mine I could feel his hardness.

as our mouths disconnected I bit his lower lip causing Four to growl with excitement
"You really are daddy's girl" he teased smashing his lips back onto mine
I grabbed his bulge and started rubbing it
I wanted him so bad
"Babyyy you shouldn't do that" he muttered as his head jerked back in pleasure
"Fuck me" I whispered and then began sucking his earlobe
I know that's his turn on spot.

And just as he started groaning I snatched my bra out of his hand and jumped out of his grip
"Fuck you zero" he panted
" it's okay baby cakesssss" I smirked as I trotted along because I just achieved me being a bad bad bad bitchhh

I strolled over to where the drink cabinet was
Because quite frankly a drink was needed after I controlled myself like that Jesus.

And to my luck the walking sex god followed after me in anger
Which is quite funny if you ask me

"You know I didn't take you for a stalker" I grinned as I poured myself a drink
"and I didn't take you for a perv, looks like we're both disappointed" Four snarled
"You wouldn't have been disappointed if I never stopped pretty boy" I said winking at him
Causing him to roll his eyes

***Fours POV***

I can't fucking believe that girl how is she so calm after what just happened,
She played her cards well I'll give her that..
"Your manipulative you know that" I hissed at Zero
"Stop being a baby cuz your still hard" she giggled
That's it
I walked up behind her as she poured a drink for me,
My hands slithered to the front of her and I began rubbing her slowly
"How do you like it sweetheart" I whispered in her ear causing her hair in the back of he neck to stand up,
she let out a quite moan.. it turned me on so bad
I felt her body push back against mine "fuck" I moaned
She grabbed my hand then turned to face me
Our eyes fixated on one another
she lifted my hands and licked my finger from top to bottom
Sucking it her tounge repeating circle motions
Fuck she was good

I groaned as I imagined her sucking me off instead
And just like that she stopped
And proceeded to drink her drink.
She done it again left me there with a hard on.
My plan backfired
"Fuck you fatty" I shouted as she walked over to where the others were chilling
I got a middle finger back.

She's going to be the death of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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