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Papa: how do you feel

You: a bit bad but its what I have to do so its whatever

Papa: soon you will feel better

You: yeah

You give him a small smile

You: so what's next

Giacomo"polibio: um me and the rest are going to see if that card is working

You nod

paulo"rosario: young lady you can go clean yourself up from the blood

You: oh okay thx sir
He gives you a smile you smile back

You turn around to the boys

You: where can I find the restroom

Mattia: let me show you

You: lead your way

You smirk

He laughs

You were in the bathroom you wet a towel and wipe it from your chest and arms

Mattia has hes head on the door

Mattia: you have some on your cheek

He walks closer and grabs the towel from you and wipes the blood away from your face

You smile softly

You looked into hes eyes for 5 seconds he started to lean in closer

Kai: you A BADASS y/n oh did I interrupt something

You: nothing

Mattia: it's all good

You: but how do you know that

Kai: um so my dad had these people to set cameras in hes office of the plan went wrong and now they finished watching it n holy shit y/n

You: thx I trained so hard

Kai: it was worth it

Mattia: let me go watch that *he speeds off*

You and kairi laugh but continue walking back downstairs

You all sat there talked and stuff

Papa: okay it's time to go honey

You: PAPAAAAA dont call me that

Papa: awhhh is little y/n embarrassed

You nod n laugh

You: goodbye boys and bye mr rosario polibio cosentino diah n mr Romero

Them: bye n then they said bye to your dad

You and your dad went home talked alot in the car


Hope yall enjoyed

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