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You: let's get back home

Mattia: good idea

You guys get inside the car

Mattia: I'm really sorry y/n honestly I am for everything

You: it's okay now

Mattia: and you're actually a good kisser

You: I told you

You laugh and he chuckles

You guys were driving

You: oh shit let me call dad

Mattia: why

You: bc she said she told the cops about our gand shit

Mattia: fuck!

You call your dad

You: papa where are you

Papa: we are still at the house

You: good get everyone in the big room we need to talk something out

Papa: okay are you okay

You: yes papa but cya

Papa: cya

.you hang up

You: fuck! At least brandon is dead

Mattia: yessir he deserved ig for rapeing you and bullying you


Mattia: you have some good guns

You: idek....wait papa always hides guns in hes cars check under the back seats

Mattia: oh fuck yessir I love your dad

You giggle

Mattia: a M134D

You: look ima make a drift alr turn the car their way stop and you take them out

Mattia: here help me *gives you the same gun as hes*

You take it put it on your lap and you drive fast make a drift and now the you see the cops cars

You: 3....2....1 let's do it babe

You guys shot the all you shot the windows and wheels


5 minutes later

You: okay that's all of them les go

Yoh drive again but faster

Skip time

You are now at the drive way

You get inside the house

You: gather up please

They did as you said

You: so I made a kill on my old friend who was fake and she told me some news we are now chased by the cops not you old guys no offense but we the teenagers

Mr'diah: shit

Mr'romero: oh damn

Papa: FUCK!

you: ye me and mattia had to take out some cops on the way back


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