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The car ride was silent you were so mad about that they didn't save you you were about to get raped you didnt have a gun or knife or any weapon

As you guys arrived you got inside the house the boys looked at you they looked disappointed in there self

Papa: what happened to your face

You: I was in the VIP room with the exclusive guest and the boys were supposed to help bc I didnt have any weapons but the guards knew what was gonna happen so they tighted them up but I smashed a lightning candle in mr exclusives eye and then the guards came they beated me up but I somehow grabbed the gun shoot them and I help the boys out and here is the money

Papa: awh my poor babygirl let me clean it up for you

You nod

You: mr polibio may you count the money

Mr'polibio: sure are you alright

You: yessir *smiles*

Mr'polibio: you are really strong you know

You: yeah thank you sir

Mr'polibio: yw *smiles*

The boys sat in front of you your dad got some cotton and rubbing alcohol he pressed the soaked cotton on your lip

You: AH smh it hurts

The boys had a sorry look on their face

Alvaro gives you a glass with water

You take a sip

Papa: it's okay stay still it going to heal in no time

You: papa I have to go somewhere

Papa: where

You: New York

Papa: for what

You: I have to make a quick talk and kill

Papa: oh no you're not going alone

You: papa I have to I need to bc it wont let me sleep

Papa: what did they do to you

You: papa I need REVENGE*you break the glass in your hands blood start to drip on the floor

Papa: Y/N calm down

You: I am just leave it papa can one of you give me a towel

Suddenly all of them were all over the place looking for a towel until roshaun foun it he handed you it you say thx

You put the towel down on the island

You: papa pass me the rubbing alcohol

He passes you

You started to put it on your hand it burned so bad

You: FUCKKKKKK! *screams*

You then blow on it and wrap it in the towel


Them: it's okay

You: okay papa I'm taking a short trip go New York

Papa: mattia go with her

Mattia: okay sir

You just let it be

You: dad can I have a lambo my car is kinda slow

Papa: here

He throws the keys mattia catches it you say thx

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