Part 36

995 17 2

Recap of the story
You roll your window down he does the same

Mattia: thanks babe * he winks at you*

You: what would you have done without me

You speed even faster you were driving so fast you couldn't see the streets or buildings

Soon you park the boys too you get out your first car

You: that was fun wasnt it

Alej: it sure was


Kairi: um bitch nothing

You: shut your little ass shirp up



You: YES I DID THAT Anyways so-

Mattia: nah guys let's go home for now

They all agreed expect for you

You: okay I see yall tired

They all nod

You: okay well- anybody wanna fuck or-

Then suddenly they all started saying yes

You: oh so now y'all ain't tired huh fuck all of you I'm going to fuck someone that isn't any of yall

Alej: no y/n no wait

Mattia: I was just joking I'm not tired come on

You: y'all- I'm just joking wtf anyways let's do something

Alej: she's really asking for trouble

Mattia: oh come on lemme dip

You: mattia shut your fucking dino looking ass up let's all go home and order some food

Mattia: let's go to my place

We all agreed everybody got in their cars

You: where your car

Mattia: rosh got it he crashed he's ima go with you

You: okay an-

He cut you off

He stepped closer to you he's hand slowly going for your neck and he whisper

Mattia: if you say some funny shit like that again by MY friends you will regret coming back

You couldn't breath he finally let's go

You: when you choked me I remember alejandros hands on my body oh and btw I love choking so thanks luv

You winked at him and you got in your car

He got in too

as you were driving mattia puts he's hand on your thigh he's hand was going up and up

You: what are you doing

Mattia: shhh

He's hand was in your pants now

You gasp

You: mattia I'm driving

Mattia: well then stop the car

You stop it you turn to look at him and he pressed he's lips against yours you took of your pants and got on top of him you ride he's dick he slips he's pants down you place he's dick on your entrance and you go down slowly then up as he kissed you even faster you start going up and down quicker and faster he was moaning you leave hickys all over he's neck and chest he left some on your titties you were going faster as you were moaning louder

You: uhm I'm close

And soon you both cum

You got back on your seat breathing. Heavily

You: fuck you this wasn't supposed to happen

Mattia: well it did
He winks

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