Chapter 4

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The aroma of rum and baked ham fills the whole room, every tastefully decorated corner.

A settee that matches two chairs and a larger sofa sits on the left side of the room, whereas the right is occupied by the elongated dining table, crowded by steaming homemade dishes. A hutch of costly glasses and china also stands tall, beautifully completing the large space. The golden colored vases and lamps are a nice touch, contrasting the wooden walls that are crowded in paintings of all kinds. Framed photographs of the family, extended and close, lay on chests of drawers, console tables, and the entry table, all decorated in clocks, candles and antiques from all around the world. Carpeted floors bring the area tastefully together.

"How are you girls liking the potatoes? I try Marie's new recipe." Mathilde takes another bite of the baked ham on her overflowing plate.

"Delicious, Tata. Mama used to make the same." Lilian's head is fixated down on her meal.

"Not like this she didn't! Yvonne, pass me bread."

She does.

"Merci, chère." For a time. All is quiet and all that fill the air are the clicking of utensils against dishes and sounds of chewing. "Have you been studying for the..."

"Examination? Oui." Lilian doesn't lift her chin, instead continues to eat.

"Look at you lie. Don't oui to me for the sake of oui! Are you or are you not?" The snappy, interrogative tone frustrates Lilian. The fork and knife that she tightly clutched now are cast on the plate. She rolls her eyes.

"Oui, Tata! I am!"

The skeptical woman eyes Lilian heated expression.

"Good. You are here for reason and not to fool in the city. Leave that to the whores." Unbothered, she continues to fill herself up in the delicious meal. "When your mother was your age she could not do these thing. She begged our papa, but he refusé. Il a dit 'non! You get married'. She had no choice. You are privilégié."

"Oui, Tata..." Lilian pays little attention to the rambling woman, not wishing to think about it for too long. She knew what she was being told. She had been made aware many times before, thus it didn't tickle any interest in her.

A sharp ringing sound erupts around the room, slightly startling Lilian who chews her food quickly. She hurries to finish that bite, but her increasing heartbeat makes it difficult for her to enjoy it.

The telephone.

Steps from behind her approach and the ringing halts as it is picked up. A maid speaks quickly and respectfully, making Lilian dread the next few words that'll be uttered to them.

"Monsieur LaCroix est au téléphone."

"Oh, Lilian, go talk to him." Yvonne continues to eat, not lifting her head, something Lilian cannot anymore.

She pushes herself up and strolls to the phone, placing the black plastic piece against her ear. "Bonsoir, papa. How are you?"

"Lilian? Bonsoir. Je vais bien, et toi?" The deep, yet seemingly cheerful voice comes through, making the young woman nibble at the inside of her cheek as she leans back on the wallpapered wall.


"Have you had dinner yet?"

"Yes, we are now." The tip of her shoe traces the side of the carpet and she goggles down to it, licking her lips profusely.

"Oh, my apologies, shall I call back at a better time, perhaps?" He clears his throat.

"No, it's alright. I'm done, papa."

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