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I can't believe that I would be moving to Australia. All my life, I've wanted to visit, but not at the cost of losing my friends. Now, I wasn't what you would call popular. I had about five close friends, but they mean the world to me.

"Jessamine! Time for school!" Today is my last day in America before we leave. Currently, I live in Miami, Florida.

I pulled a brush through my tangled golden brown hair and put it in a side braid.

"Comming, mom!" I threw on a leather jacket to go on my navy blue dress I already had on. I quickly pulled on my usual black converse and rushed out my door.

"Bye, love you!" I yelled as I grabbed a protein bar and ran to the bus stop. Thankfully, Lindsay was already there. I met Lindsay in 6th grade and we have been good friends ever since. Her long brown hair that is almost to her waist was curled. It hung in soft ringlets.

"Heyy!" I said and she turned to face me. Her piercing blue eyes met mine and we hugged.

"I'm going to miss you, Jessa!" she said, on the verge of tears. Just then, the bus came to our stop and we stepped on. We took our usual seat in the back. Because we're seniors, we get the last few rows to choose from. Opposite of us, sat Rosie and Jourdan. Together, we shared a group hug. I didn't realize how much I appreciate these guys.

When the bus arrived to our school, we said our goodbyes and parted ways. I grabbed my books from my locker, cherishing the memories I had in this spot.

I rushed to first period, goodbyes from random people swarmed me. I quickley sat in my seat at the back next to Rosie. If I were to describe Rosie in two words, then I would say gorgeous Asian. She has an hourglass figure and sleek black hair. She gave me a tight smile and continued working.

"Miss Simons, could you please come here?" Mrs. Dallas asked. I trudged up to her desk as I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"I'm sorry to hear that you will be leaving us. I hope you have a wonderful time in Austria!" she said with a fake smile.

I could hear Rosie laughing in the back as I replyed, "Australia. I'm moving to Australia." With that, I hurried to my desk, Rosie smirking in the seat next to me. When the class started back up, I gave her a soft punch.

"Well it looks like I won't be very missed." I whispered.

"Shut up! I will miss you. So will Lindsay and Jourdan. You've been a big part of my life for a long time, Jessa." Rosie and I met in kindergarten through Girl Scouts. Although we were at rival schools, we remained friends through thick and thin.

The bell rang signalling that class was over. The rest of the day was a blur. Teachers gave false condolenses and a few of my distant friends gave me quick hugs in the hallway.

Finally, school was over. I had to carpool with a burnout named Amanda who lives in my neighborhood. If she wanted to, she could rule the school with long curly orange hair and porcelain skin. Instead, she was known for skipping class and smoking pot. We exchanged some small talk and she dropped me off at my house.

"Have fun in Austria." she said with a teasing smile and sped off. Of course the one time she was in class, she had to hear that.

I walked into the small red house that I had called home for many years. My mom greeted me at the door with the usual "How was school?"

I didn't reply, I just grunted. I ran to the kitchen and smothered nutella on a rice cake. Once I was done with that, I turned on How I Met Your Mother and threw myself on a pile of bubble wrap since there was nothing to sit on.

I heard the door open and my dad walk in. He threw a quick 'hello' in my direction and went to find Mom. I tried paying attention to Ted Mosbey's life, rather than my crumny one.

Other than the Tv, all of our furniture was gone. I closed my eyes and remembered all the great memories that took place in this cozy house.

My little moment of peace was ruined when my parents told me that we needed to go. I said goodbye to the house I had so many first's in. My first time talking and walking and cooking food. My first time drawing. My first time reading.

I felt a small tear escape from my eye and travel down my cheek. I was going to miss this place.

I ran outside and closed the front door. With my father leading me, I walked into the blue Echo and we drove away from my childhood home.

The drive took about an hour. We arrived at the airport and began the hassle of going through security. After what felt like a life time of standing and walking, we found our plane and took our seats.

The plane's plush seats sat in rows of two. I discovered that I would be forced to sit next to a stranger. Oh well.

I sat beside the window and just before we took off, a tall boy with bright red hair came and sat beside me. He looked rushed.

Once he got his bearings, I said, "Hello, my name is Jessa. We might as well get acquainted if we have to spend seven hours together." I used my formal voice that I reserved for meeting new people.

"Hey, I'm Michael. Do you recognize me?" he asked.

"Um..should I?"

"I'm kind of famous." cocky bastard.

"Congratulations." I replied sarcastically.

"Well, its a good thing you don't know who I am. I love the fans so much, but sitting next to one who would constantly pester me for pictures and autographs would be torture."

"What are you famous for?" I asked curiously.

"I'm in a band." he smiled flirtatiously, as if that was the ticket to get into my pants.

"That's great." his attitude was kind of annoying me. I don't like very many people.

"You are very sarcastic." he observed. I wanted to reply with a 'no shit, Sherlock!' but I decided that was over the line.

"I am." I said instead.

"I like that." Good God.


"Tell me about yourself. Although, I know one thing."

"And what's that."

"You are American."

"Okay," I said, drawing out the 'o', "I'm moving to Australia with my family. My dad got a job offer that he couldn't turn down. I'm 18, a senior in high school. I love alternative music. My favorite Tv shows include Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, Agents of Shield, and Psych. What about you, Michael?"

"I love dyeing my hair. Although my band plays mostly pop, I like rock music. I love playing COD and FIFA. I was visiting my mum in the states, but my dad lives in Australia. Even though I'm 19, I still live with my dad." he blushed after the last part.

"Well that's great, Michael, but I've had a long day. I'm going to get some rest."

With that I put my earbuds in my ears, blasted Panic! At The Disco, and turned on my side, facing away from Michael.

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