Chapter 1 - Part 1

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You know guys, sometimes it's really hard to have a secret identity. One that no one can know about. It's just you and yourself, and if anyone ever asks why you ditched that party last night or why you were late from work that morning, you can't tell the truth that, by the way, anyone would understand. Because how acceptable does it sound that you just saved twenty innocent people from an armed bank robber or a guy in a purple suit can command an army of deathly, miniature robot things? Perfectly acceptable, right? But I can't just tell my boss that I was out on the streets, superheroing all morning, instead of picking up his coffee and answering his phone. Instead, I either got stuck in traffic, my alarm didn't go off, or I just got very sick from that last drink and needed some fresh air. By the way, my name is Peter Parker, and I have a secret. During the day I am an irresponsible young guy who is struggling to keep this job, and at night I fight super-villains in a mask and spandex suit. I am Spider-man. Sometimes even at daytime, too. This is why I have a problem. Currently, I'm lying in bed, dying from the flu, too sick to leave the house. According to my boss, that is. But in reality, I'm halfway to this sketchy warehouse district in the harbour, where some bad guys are supposedly hiding millions worth of stolen jewels according to S.H.I.E.L.D. Not sure why they are sending the Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman instead of any of their elite agents who are doing this full time and are actually getting paid for it, but who am I to say no to Nick Fury? Exactly. So I'm here, quietly creeping towards the right building, effortlessly hopping from one rooftop to the next. I hide when I spy two suspicious figures carrying a big chest into one of the warehouses.

- Let's hope the boss knows what he's doing. Moving such a big loot during daytime just doesn't feel right.

- You worry too much. Not a single soul comes here at this time. And either way, what police captain would ever assume that we are moving the stuff in the morning?

- I hope you're right. I can't shake this feeling, that someone is watching us...

This is all I can hear before they disappear through the door. Only if they knew how wrong their boss is.

Knowing that I found the right place, I jump onto the building they disappeared in, and begin to look for a suitable entrance. The front door is out of the question, and of course, there isn't a big hole on the roof with a "Secret Superhero Entrance" sign above it, even though it would make everything so much easier! But since I'm kind of out of options, a window will have to do. Good thing the big metal box at least has some of those. They are so small I will barely be able to squeeze myself in, and of course, none of them is open or broken out, but this is my only chance.

I climb down to the side of the building and squat by one of the windows. I love being able to walk on horizontal surfaces. It makes life much easier. As I look inside, I see a lot of shipping containers stacked up by the wall, blocking my view to anything that might be happening inside. But this also means that the people in there can't see me either. I break the glass with a well-aimed kick and squeeze inside through the opening. Someone shouts out an order, followed by the noise of hurried footsteps moving towards the front door, while I climb on top of the container mountain. They must have heard the window breaking and going to check for an invader. I shoot spider-webs at the guys heading towards the door, causing them to fall on the floor, unable to keep running with their legs tied up.

- You know, you should clean behind these sometimes. There are spiders in the corner - I say, commanding the bad guys' attention. There is at least ten of them, two of which I already took out. This should be easy.

- Everyone, get the spider! - shouts a big guy wearing a silver mask. I assume he is the leader. Guns and knives appear in the hands of the criminals and they all charge at me, most of them with bullets. I jump and swing away on a spider web attached to the ceiling. I land on the floor, ready for combat. Dodging bullets and shooting webs, I tie up the rest of the group in no time. Only one guy gets close enough to even attempt to stab me, but he doesn't stand a chance either. I grab his wrist and twist, making him drop the knife, then kick him in the stomach, so he lands on the floor. I glue him there with some webs, making sure he won't move. This is when my spidey-sense goes off. I don't even have time to turn around before I hear the gunshot. As I look in the direction of the noise, I can hear the bullet collide with something metallic. Then I find myself staring at the blade of a sword, held out in front of my face, saving me from being shot in the head. At the not-pointy end of the weapon stands a familiar face. One in a red and black suit and mask, armed with too many guns and blades to count. 

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