Chapter 17

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I'm getting settled into my wheelchair as Mrs. Pearson stands beside me.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"I'll have Alecia there with me, so in case she becomes overwhelmed she can try and calm her down. I won't over press her if I see it coming." She nods.

"Before you go Naiomie, I know this is a hard question and it is probably not a good time, but the hospital wants to know what to do with your mother's body." My heart sinks, but I remember faintly a memory of her saying she wanted to be cremated, when we were out shopping one time alone, I can't even begin to remember why the topic came up.

"She wanted to be cremated." Mrs. Pearson nods. I will let them know, don't worry about a funeral right now, if she is being cremated, we can wait." She lets out a huff. "I'll go see Matt then." Alecia then secures me into my wheelchair as I try to ignore the pain in my stomach and head. I want to act as normal as I can when I see her. We exit the room and for the first time I see the walls outside of my hospital room.

"I don't think I asked but what hospital are we at?" I ask softly.

"They transported you to Montfort Hospital in Ottawa after the accident."

"That's pretty far from Nottawa isn't it?"

"Yes, but it was the closest we could get." I nod as we roll down the halls to an elevator. My heart begins to race, the ding of the elevator scares me. All I can see is flashes of Thomas dragging me, beating me, almost killing me.

"I know this is overwhelming, I can tell you're anxious."

"It's just- the last time I was in an elevator.."

"I know, we're getting to the floor now." The elevator opens and we exit. Relief floods over me, but at the same time anxiety begins rushing through my body. I see many other patients as we pass by each room, almost all of them are children. The wheelchair starts to slow and Alecia walks in front of me.

"She doesn't know much, we've kept the news off her TV, We told her we were transporting her for treatment reasons, we didn't even tell her you were here..we've done everything we could."

"Thank you, I know I should be the one to tell her." Alecia knocks on the door lightly and opens it. I get wheeled in as I see my frail sister laying in her bed. She looks over to me and her eyes open wide.

"Oh my god, Naiomie. W-What happened." I smile at her as I roll next to her bed. I grasp her hand tightly.

"I'm okay, everything is going to be okay. I just need to talk to you."

"Why are you here? What is going on, I've been so confused. No one will tell me anything other than a transport for treatment. I think it's bullshit. They won't even let me turn on my TV."

"I need you to stay calm, as calm as you can, okay? Can you do that for me?"

"I can do my best."

"A lot has happened since you were originally admitted into the hospital Lilian."

"W-why did you use my real name?" She looks like a deer in the headlights.

"Remember when I came to visit you on your birthday? And you told me not to talk until you were done talking?"

"I mean, I think so?"

"I need you to do the same for me. Okay?" she nods her head. "So, like I was saying a lot has happened since I saw you last. But, I want to start from the beginning."

"The beginning of what?" She interrupts.

"You have to let me talk, I know you have questions, but please let me get through this." She goes quiet and lays back in her bed.

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