Hi and Welcome (:

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Before I start this, I just want to introduce myself and the basic gist of this story and what it will most likely contain.

So, hello kind readers, my name is Dezerie. Friends and family simply call me Dez. I'm a fan of a whole lot, but I'll go ahead and keep this pretty simple.

I love all things Nintendo, most specifically, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and Mario Kart. I also like to play Call of Duty, specifically WW2. I'm a fan of anime, but haven't watched some in a while, if I'm being honest, so if any of you fall into this category as well, feel free to recommend any good ones! I'm always up to watch anything new (:

I also love listening to music, specifically electronic, dance, a little bit of pop. Classical and alternative as well (:

I love to read, especially books that are set in dystopian futures, like Divergent for example, if that wasn't noticeable by my other works from the past.

I'm 19, and am currently in college, but as of right now, taking a break to get my life on track as I just haven't found what I'm truly passionate about. I was a nursing major, but have actually become an English major, since I really do enjoy to read and write as well as analyze. Maybe I'm passionate about it, but I can't really tell yet.

I'm currently finding work, since right now I have a side job as a babysitter, and it just isn't going as well as I could have anticipated, haha. Excuse me if uploads get slow, I have a life outside of my fandoms, and I can't always write. I hope you can all understand that.

I will update two chapters a week, not sure what days, but it will for sure be two days out of the week.

Sorry for talking about myself for so long, but I just wanted to get this all off my chest before getting asked so many questions. I used to upload here daily, about five years ago, and you cannot believe how impatient people can be, causing them to be rude. I can't stand people who want to be cruel and disrespectful, so if I catch you acting that way to me, or to anyone in the comments, I will block you.

I can take criticism, so long as it is presented to me in a concerning or kind manner. I always look for some constructive criticism, just not in a disrespecting way.

If you're going to talk to others in the comments, it'd be great if you don't extend those conversations to a long thread. I have nothing wrong with making friends though, so talk amongst each other as much as you'd like, but don't forget that that's why private messages and other apps exist ^-^

Now, about the story.

First of all, it takes place in a third person narrative, so no point of views from anyone. I find this better since we can dive into the thoughts of any character at any time, which I find much more suiting. (:

Since most characters in Pokémon games do not have last names, I've brought it upon myself to give some of them their own last names, even if they seem outrageous or completely stupid.

It takes place in the Galar region, and follows the love story of a couple, Raihan Vandal and Violet Reinhart.

Violet is related to Leon and Hop in this story.

The three are siblings.

Leon and Violet are twins, and Hop is their younger brother by five years.

The story starts with Raihan and Violet as children, around the age of seven. So I will give short descriptions of them.

Raihan was an energetic little boy, who yearned to be a dragon master, just like his idol, Champion Lance. He had chocolate colored skin, and bright, teal colored eyes, that gleamed every time he looked at a specific someone. He had black hair, that was spiked up in a way that made it seem like he had sharpedo fins on the top of his head. He also had a sharp little fang in the top row of his teeth, which he would sometimes joke about, saying that he was part dragon.

Violet was quiet as a child, especially due to the fact that her twin brother, Leon, always watched out for her. Since the day they were born, Violet had suffered from heart troubles. She immediately had to get a surgery the day she was born, or she could have lost her life. Due to this, Leon always made sure his sister was taken care of. He was compassionate, caring, and kind, especially when it came to his family and friends.

The twins had a light brown shade and purple colored hair. Leon's was like a bowl cut, and Violet's was always up in pigtails. They both had yellow eyes, as bright as the sun, except that her eyes would look more like a hazel color at times.

Leon always dreamed about becoming champion of the Galar region. He wanted to travel all over the region alongside his sister and his Charmander, given to him by their father, who was always away on business trips.

Violet, on the other hand, wanted to be a performer. Of course, she still would follow her brother through his journey. She wanted to support him, as he did her. When her brother was given a Charmander, she was given a Milcery. She knew then that she wanted to raise fairy types, and put on amazing shows with them.

The two shared an incredible bond, and like most assumed, it was like they could read each other's minds and have telepathic conversations with one another. Not only that, but they truly felt that they could feel what the other was feeling. No matter what it was.

Like on their birthday, Leon did not stop crying until his sister was out of surgery, and in the same room with him. That's how close they were to one another.

Of course, once they were five years old, their mother had another child. His name was Hop, and even though it sounded funny, they vowed to protect him from anyone that dared bully him about it.

Hop was close to both his siblings, not as close as they were to each other though. Regardless of that, he had always looked up to them. He admired his brother for his determination in becoming champion, which he promised he would someday. He also looked up to how brave his sister was. She suffered countless times due to her heart's condition, but she still kept a smile on her face, no matter what, and tried her best to make everyone around her happy, no matter what it took, even if it meant putting herself last.

They were a close-knit family, through and through.

There are plenty of other characters in this story, of course, but we'll introduce them throughout as we go. Just for reference, I will put the ages of the important characters here, their older ages of course:

Raihan: 20

Leon: 20

Violet: 20

Hop: 15

As I noted in the description, this story will contain some mature themes, so be aware of that (:

There may also be some sensitive parts in this story, but if they seem too emotional or traumatizing, I will add a warning (:

And now, enjoy what this story has to offer!

~Dezerie 💝

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