Part 5

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"It doesn't have to hurt." Loki said, eyebrow raised and taking a measured step toward her. "But it can." He mused, and the smallest smirk turned up the corners of this mouth. " I can make it hurt very much for even those that think themselves experienced. But if you allow it," with another step he took her hand, cool and somewhat numb, in his much larger one. " I can also make you feel such pleasure."

The way he breathed out the last word caused her breath to catch. She raised her eyes to him, his tall, imposing presence so disarmingly beautiful and dangerous at once. He reached out to cup her chin in his hand as he flicked his tongue over his lips, smiling . Terror and intimidation were pushed away by a creeping sort of curiosity. She realized, with no small amount of surprise, that she actually believed him.

He closed the distance between them and his arms slid down to encircle her waist as he moved his mouth to her ear. " Hmm.. let me take you." he crooned. " You have my word, I will not harm you." She felt his grin curl against her skin. "Not unless you wish it."

With his thumb he gently outlined her bottom lip which caused a warmth to settle over her and she blinked at the sensation, her heart pounding so loudly she could practically hear it. His breath ghosted over her cheek for just a moment before he pressed his lips to hers, gentle but insistent.

Something sparked within her then and began devouring her fear. She pushed away a whirlwind of warning thoughts and melted into that moment. Reaching her arms up to embrace him, fingers twining into his silken hair, she returned the kiss, desire coursing through her as he slipped his tongue nimbly over hers.

Suddenly she broke her lips away from his and placed a hand on his chest and studied it there, her fingers spread wide upon the thickness of the leather. If I don't push him away right now, at this moment, I will be lost. But there was something so soothing about the way he was caressing the small of her back. She wondered if he had put her under a spell, though relying on magic for something like this seemed trivial and beneath him. Would it matter? She wanted him. And she wanted to want him.

She exhaled slowly and made her decision, raising up and kissing him with a forcefulness that seemed to surprise him- cutting off his breath and nearly pushing him off balance. He righted himself and with a muffled chuckle, pressed her tighter against him.

He rolled his lips together and with a glittering flash of light the heavy metal and leather bits of his clothing were gone, leaving a sort of soft tunic and pants in their place. Pajamas? She wondered- then yelped in surprise as he scooped her off her feet and lay her in the large bed.

He leaned down next to her and stroked her hair back from her forehead with one hand while the fingers of the other traced up her side. "Well, well," he said with a note of approval, his eyes flitting up and down her body. "Mortal maiden, you surprise me."

"I doubt much surprises you." Her words were quiet but she felt bold, running her hand along his shoulde,r feeling the lithe muscle beneath his shirt. " But do remember this is all new to me..."

He bent close, his eyes were changed- clouding and heavy lidded. "I will only break the parts of you that need it." He promised, then kissed her. Really kissed her.

It was the most thrilling, magical thing she'd ever felt-which is saying a lot considering the events of the day. She felt the jolt of it throughout her whole body. It was deeply passionate and seemingly endless, until his lips broke away and migrated to her throat.

Her breaths were getting shorter as his hands eagerly pulled her dress aside to allow his tongue to sweep along her breast. A small gasp escaped her and her hands ran through his coal-black hair. He was wasting no time. He turned his attention to the other breast, lightly sucking and nibbling her hardening nipple.

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