Chapter 1

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The seven, Reyna, Calypso, Nico, Will, and Thalia were sitting by the fireplace talking about everything and anything. It was nice to catch up. All the couples sitting next to each other and cuddling while listening to each other talk. Leo laying on Calypso's lap, Jason and Piper sitting next to each other with and arm over each other's shoulder, Hazel sitting on Franks lap, Thalia sitting next to Annabeth, Nico resting on Wills shoulder, Reyna sat with her dogs, and Percy sitting on the ground with his head on Annabeth's lap.

Moments like these were one of Percy's favorites. He loved seeing his friends happy and smiling. They hadn't gotten a chance to talk very much because Hazel and Frank lived in Camp Jupiter while Jason and Piper went back and forth trying to build all the cabins and temples for all the gods. Thalia traveled with the hunters so it was very rare that she got to spend time with the seven. Percy and Annabeth lived in Camp Half Blood. Leo and Calypso lived for traveling. They loved it. They didn't stay in one place for too long.

To be honest, Percy missed the times he and his friends would sit on the table at the Argo ll and plan for what was to come next. Change was hard sometimes. But Percy owed his life to change as well. If it wasn't for change he would have never gotten to meet Annabeth. If it wasn't for change he wouldn't have left the retched house he used to live in. Percy has never spoken about his childhood. He hated it. Percy didn't know what was worse, Tartarus or his childhood. That's how bad it was. And that's why Percy was never going to tell his friends about it. He couldn't. They would turn their backs on him and that was something Percy could never live with. It would hurt to much.

Just his luck that his friends started to talk about they're childhood. Just his luck. Percy looked at Zöe's constellation. Bob says hello.

"So," Thalia spoke, bringing Percy back to the present. "Who has the worst childhood and who has the best childhood?" Thalia said. Immediately people pointed at Thalia for the worst childhood and me for the best childhood. If only they knew how wrong they were. Honestly, Jason probably had the best childhood, or Piper. Jason went to Camp Jupiter at a very young age. He had people who cared for him. Piper didn't have a dad that payed attention to her but that's it! At least she never got hit for stealing something. If Percy stole something then he would get beat up so bad to the point that he could barely move and then when he was healed and not to battered up he would be hauled into a bed and tied there against his will. Percy shuddered at those memories.

"You cold Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked making Percy jump. Percy realized that everyone was looking at him expectantly.

"Nah, nah, I'm good." Percy said, "Why are you guys looking at me like that? Did you ask me something?"

Annabeth frowned but Thalia rolled her eyes. "Well I was saying that you had the best childhood out of all of us and then Hazel asked you what you're childhood was like."

          Oh great, they just had to ask. Percy looked at the fire. He watched the fire dance with colors of blue, red, and orange. They moved gracefully and sent little sparks fly in the air with smoke. What was he going to say? His childhood was everything but perfect. How many lies was he going to say today?

"Percy, Percy, PERSUES JACKSON!" Percy jumped and put his hand in his pocket clutching his pen and looking around. Panic clear in his eyes. He hated his full name. The man he lived with used that name for every day of his life.

"Percy, are you ok?" Percy whirled around to see his beautiful girlfriend watching him with her grey worried calculating eyes. Percy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

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