Chapter 24

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Elsa's POV
Jack held my hand tightly, not letting go of my hand. As we walked we saw memories of our past selves.
Memories of Jack and I visiting Jamie, memories of Jack saving me from Hans back at the Enchanted forest, memories of us playing games with Anna and Kristoff.

"This is amazing..." Jack exclaimed.
We even saw memories of each of us, memories of me locking myself in the room, me singing Let It Go, memories of Jack with a girl who I believe is her sister.

"I miss these days." Jack said, while touching the memory of him and a little girl playing in a park.
"Who's is she, is she your sister?" I asked.

"Yeah, her name is Emma, the one I told you before, I died because of saving her...but I'll never regret it, even if it happens again, I will certainly do the same and sacrifice my life for Emma.

How good can a brother be to be willing to risk and even sacrifice their life for their siblings, the relationship between Jack and his sister is just like the relationship between me and Anna.

"Emma is so lucky to have such a good brother like you, Jack."
"I'm not, I still left her behind in this cruel world all alone... she must've freaked out when I drowned in front of her, I'm not as good as you think." Jack replied.

"I'm sure that's not what Emma thought of, she must've loved you, see how much she loved you." I said, pointing at a memory of Emma writing a letter to Jack after he died.
Jack grabbed the letter from Emma's hands, and started reading it.

In the letter, Emma stated how thankful she was for having him as her brother, telling him how much she missed him and loved him, hoping him to find a girlfriend in his next life.

"Seriously, hope you can find a girlfriend in your next life!" Jack complain.
"Who said I can't find a girlfriend, I just never wanted to, I can get a girlfriend anytime I want." Jack added.

"Getting a girlfriend sounds easy to you, why do I never see you having one." I joked.
"You see, I'm an immortal even if I get one, she'll eventually die and leave me, so what's the point..." Jack said.

"Yeah, I still can't imagine one day Anna dies and leaves me alone in this world, but that's how the world works, so I'll just treasure the time left with her." Elsa said.

"I hoped I never became an immortal and died the day I saved Emma, it hurts seeing people you love leaving..." Jack said.

"At least you have me now, I'm not going to die anytime soon." I laughed.
"Haha yeah, then I'll count on you for the rest of my life! Don't ever leave me behind." Jack said.
"Mhmm. Now let's go."

As we walked further in, we saw some memories we both don't recognize.
We saw a girl with her hands all tied on to a wall, with a man holding an axe, about to execute her.
The girl was holding onto a silvery stick, which seems familiar to me...

I looked closely at the stick, realizing the stick was the Staff of Unity, but on her wand, four of the Power Stones were all embedded in it.
"Isla..." I whispered quietly,
"Who is Isla?" Jack asked.

"Isla is the main character in the book... she was the previous owner of the stones and the Staff of Unity."I answered.

The moment the man was swinging his axe towards Isla, she raised the staff and sent the four Power Stones into four different directions, we followed one of the stones and chased after it, the stone then led us into a passage way I've never seen before and then it disappeared.

"Should we go?" Jack asked.
"I think we should, the stone was guiding us here, there must be something inside these passage ways." I said.
"Ok, then let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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