I'm Sorry

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I appeared outside Zoe's door and took a breath.  I knocked.  I waited a moment, and when the door opened I was crushed in a hug.  We just stood there.  I held her as she sobbed.

"Anything you want to say, Zoe?" His voice was nothing like it was when talking to Chaos, it was cold and bitter.

"I'm so sorry."  She said between sobs.  I sighed.

"I want you to know we can't get back together."  She looked at me heartbroken.


"Zoe, what's my fatal flaw?" She looks startled by the question.  


"Now why is that a fatal flaw?" She looked suspicious but answered.  

"It's easy to get because they trust very easily, but once you break it, it's very hard to earn back. When it's a person close to them, that person might never earn it back."    

"I see you've been doing research. See I trusted you so much I gave you the range of my mortal point. No, I didn't give you the exact spot because I'm not an idiot and you never know what can happen. I would have trusted you with my life, and to be honest I still would. But even a thousand years from now I might have forgiven you, but that trust will never be the same. I'm sorry for that, but you knew when you cheated so I don't feel too bad." He stood up. 

That's when I heard the sound of a baby crying.  

"Who's that?"  She looked at me sadly.

"Your brother."

"What about my brother?"

"It's his and my child."  I looked at her in horror.  I was about to yell at her when she said

"Let me explain."  I huffed


"After you left he said he was going to tell everyone who you really were.  I told him he can't.  He then grabbed me and dragged me off to a cave and  . . . raped me.  I couldn't stop him due to being in so much pain from you leaving.  He had Hecate put the most powerful love spell over me."  I stared at her and knew what I had to do.  

I teleported to camp and grabbed my sorry excuse for a brother and teleported us to Olympus.  I summoned the gods.  

"What is it Phantom?" asked Zeus. 

"I just want you to witness something."


I turned back toward Nathan.  

Phantom stepped forward and drew Riptide, drawing the second one out of the first. 

"It will be my pleasure to fight you, Nathan" Phantom hissed, flames dripping from his twin swords as he crouched slightly, in a completely unorthodox fighting style.  Nathan's eyes widened slightly, but he summoned a wall of water from within and hurled it at Phantom. Phantom merely raised an eyebrow and stared at the wall, stopping it in midair. Nathan raised his hands and pushed, causing the water to inch towards Phantom. Phantom knew that in a contest of water control, Nathan would win since he was a god, so Phantom did the other. He raised both of his swords and pointed them at the wall, spewing flames so hot that the water instantly evaporated.  Nathan was shocked while Phantom smirked. 

"Seriously, Prince of the Sea, is that the best you can do?" Phantom taunted.  Nathan let out an angry growl. 

"I'll show you real power, scumbag!" He roared. Nathan stretched out his hand and a ball of white light appeared. When the light dissipated, he held his trumpet. He put it to his lips.  

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