Goodbye Percy

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"I love you guys and I always will...even you don't. Goodbye, my friends." Percy whispered, an instant before darkness closed in on him.

"No...NO! Percy, please, it's not what I meant! Percy... please... NOO! Percy!" Annabeth screamed brokenly, but it was too late. His eyes had glazed over, while his grip on her hand had slackened, falling limply to the ground.

"Percy..." Thalia cried out, hugging Percy's limp body tightly to her as tears streamed down her face.

The Olympians surrounded her, with Poseidon and Hestia kneeling next to Thalia, shock, and pain etched in their faces as they struggled not to cry. The rest of the Olympians stared down at Percy's broken body with shock, not knowing what to say or do.

They were wrong about him. He would have never done anything to hurt camp or Olympus, but it was too late.

The Campers were kneeling also, crying hard, each for their reasons. Annabeth, because they had known each other for so long.

Frank and Hazel because Percy had been their first true friend, Leo because he had always viewed Percy as an idol, a god-like person, Piper, since Percy had always been a close friend with her, giving her counsel when she was fighting Reyna for Jason, using his own experiences with Annabeth to help relate to her. Jason tried to hide it, but he too had tears down his cheeks. He and Percy had grown close over the knowledge that they had to bring the Greeks and Romans together, which hadn't been an easy task. Even now, the Romans and Greeks were still on uneasy terms. Even Reyna, usually hard and untouchable, was crying softly. She had once disliked Percy, hated him even but had grown rather fond of him, admiring his courage, his bravery, his loyalty, and, to an extent, his foolishness.

Though no one was crying harder than Thalia and the ones who had gone on the Underland trip with him. Nico's heart will shatter when he hears of this.

"Zeus. Give him the final honors," Poseidon said quietly, his voice sounding choked.

Zeus gently held Percy with one hand as he summoned the spell that would put him in the stars forever. Then he looked up into the night sky and saw Orion's constellation glittering in the sky. And he knew what to do.

"No," Zeus said, closing his hand on the spell, extinguishing it.

The gods froze in shock while Poseidon turned to glare at Zeus.

"No? You refuse to give him the highest honors he could have?" Poseidon asked, his voice now quivering with anger.

"And may I ask why?" Poseidon said through clenched teeth.

"I will not dishonor him by putting him next to his terrible brother," Zeus said simply.

"What? Orion?" Poseidon asked his face a mask of confusion now.

"Yes. You know what he did, Poseidon. So don't deny it. Percy does not deserve to be next to him. He deserves better. Much better." Zeus said, slowly standing up as he cradled Percy's body in his arms.

"But what?" Poseidon asked, also standing up.

Zeus snapped her fingers and summoned a stretcher. He gently put Percy on the stretcher and began wiping the blood and stains off of him.

"We will give him an unprecedented funeral. His monument, his temple where people can pay their respects for him, his place on Olympus. The best we can do for him." Zeus said, wiping some blood stains from Percy's neck.

"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we've lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them, we've found each other. And maybe each time, we've been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a goodbye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come."
― Nicholas Sparks

Words this Chapter:645

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Word average per chapter:1192

Word average per chapter:1192

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