new begginings

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This all started when I was born. By all means I don't take this as sad but my parents died in an accident or at least is what I was told. I was adopted by a sweet old woman which I call mam' or is know as a hero called recovery girl. She like me because of my charm and sweet smile and laugh that stuck with me throughout my whole life. She is the love of my life, my idol. But I also adore another person. Present mic! I always listen to his broadcasts but I have to do it in secret on a personal portable wind up radio because she despises him for some reason. I never ask her why because the one time she got super heated and got a major migraine. But by all other means she is the sweetest person in the world.

But it all started when I was in  the first quarter of my third year in middle school at Somei junior high. The home for se very high horsed people, especially of the rich and wealthy. So I guess you could say it was a school full of selfish high horsed, backstabbing, pricks. Half of them didn't even go to the classes and the ones that did probably paid off people to do things for them. Some schools became corrupt societies and even though our school also was as it paid its way to the top with money and popularity.

Oh, by our I mean my best friend in the whole wide world Tenya Ida. What can I say, opposites attract. But anyways, let's get to the morning of.

I woke up, got ready for school with my uniform and everything. Mam' made me a lunch and a quick to go breakfast so I could catch the train. It was a decent day like any other so it was good, but we'll get there.

At the gates stood the formal man himself. I began speeding up and put my hands around my mouth.


His eyes darted until his gaze locked on me.

"Wh- ah, slow down! No running on school property."

"Too late."

Something out of the corner of my eye caught me. A fancy shoe stretched out and placed itself around my ankle. First my arms and elbows scrapped the ground and then I skidded my knees ripping my tights. I fell and everything hurt. Soon laughter followed but I learned this scene too many times to count on how much this occurs here. But I also have myself to blame for setting this one up.

Idea came over toy side and bent over and lent a hand.

"You alright, oh, your knees, and elbows." they weren't bleeding as bad as you would think for taking a tumble like that. I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Whoops, guess I should have watched my step. At least it made someone's day." a smirk splattered on my face as I turned and faced the culprit. Him and his precious gang quickly lost their smiles and moved on away into the crowd. I turned back to Ida who didn't have the same opinion.

"Why must you go and do these- these, shenanigans and stunts? One day you'll fall down and won't be able to get back up. Then what will you do?"

"What do you mean, as long as I got people like you by my side. I know you won't let me down."

He was mad but he knew he couldn't hate me for long. His frown crept up into a smile as he grew into a fit of embaressment and rage.

"Uh, Wh- you? How? Rggh." he looked like a five year old having a hussy fit.

"Aw, I knew you loved me." this only made him grow more red. He was so easily manipulated in my hands it felt as easy as bending tinfoil. I could almost feel sympathetic.

He only let out an esaperated whimper as he couldn't compete with his emotions so he decided to let the flush run its course.

"This won't be so easy for you next time Riku-."

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