Chapter 3: The Sludge Villain.

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Snow's POV
(Snow's Apartment)

Snow was Woken up by her loud alarm clock as she shot up out of bed the alarm sound stopping as it was frozen solid.

Snow: "Damn it I Froze my alarm again."

She Sighed as she went into her kitchen to cook some breakfast before school started. as she finished cooking she went to the couch and sat down while she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.


News Reporter: "They have done it once again, I will tell you, folks this Kamen Rider Blizzard has defeated another major villain, known as Spiker last night, we even gave an interview from a witness who was at the scene of the battle."

Young Man: "Blizzard Froze the guy's Quirk! It was amazing I wish I had a quirk like theirs it was so cool."

News Reporter: "There you have it for Blizzard folks, I don't know where they came from but it seems as though Kamen riders are back... Now to other news, another robbery of the Sludge man has happened yesterday and is still on the loose, police urge citizens to be on the lookout for him or report any findings of the sludge quirk..."

Snow's Pov

Snow: "Well at least the kid is safe."

Snow Looks at the time as she coughed on her breakfast when she realized what the time was.

Snow: "Oh Darn I'm Gonna be Late."

She Quickly Stuffed her face with her food and chugged down all her tea as she grabbed her bag along with her driver and progrise key before Running off to school.

(Time Skip)
(Aldera Junoir High)

Snow Stared out the window from her desk as class was beginning to finish up for the day.

Teacher: "Since you're all third years, It's time for you to all think seriously about your future."

Snow heard like muttering and looked over to Izuku, One of her only friends, writing down in his notebook.

Teacher: "I'll pass out handouts for your plan sheets now, but you're all..."

The Teacher threw up all the handouts in the air.

Teacher: "... Pretty much planning to go into the hero course, Right?"

Everyone In the Class Yelled out Yes as they started showing off their quirks besides Izuku, Bakugo and Snow.

Teacher: "Yes, you all have wonderful quirks! But stop using your powers at school it is against the rules!"

Bakugo: "Teach! Don't Lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!"

The Class Seemed to be pissed off by what bakugo said as they all started yelling at him.

Teacher: "Oh, If I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A. high, right bakugo?"

Student: "U.A.? That national school?! It was in the top 3 best hero schools, right? Their acceptance rate's low, too!"

Bakugo Jumped on his desk as he yelled out to the class.

Bakugo: "That's Exactly why you guys are just extras! I aced the mock test! I'm the only 1 at this school who could get into U.A. I'll surpass All Might and become the top hero! My name will be inscribed on the list of top heroes forever."

The Teacher then checked the list again before looking out to the class.

Teacher: "Oh yeah, Midoriya and Snow wanted to go to U.A., Too, right?"

Kamen Rider Blizzard Vol.1 (BNHAxKamenRider)Where stories live. Discover now