Chapter 6: The Past Hurts.

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(10 Years ago)

It was just after the battle with All for one. All-might had defeated him and he was down on the ground but little did he know All for one actually was awake as he began to rise to blast All-might when suddenly.

???: "Toshi!"

As All-might turned all he saw was red as A young girl jumped in front of him while a blast from all for one hit her directly in the stomach as both All-might and All for one looked Worried for some reason.

All-Might: "ARI!"

All-Might grabbed the girl as she fell into his arms smiling as she looked at them both of them.

Ari: "I-I couldn't let either of you kill each other. That's what friends are for"

She coughed up more blood with each line she spoke as she slowly got up and looked at All for one.

Ari: "I'm sorry but you Killed her. Forgive me for what I'm about to do Toshi."

She slowly got up holding the hole in her stomach as she coughed more blood the only thing stopping her from fully dropping was the ice that was holding her up.

All-Might: "Ari Stop you don't have to do this"

Ari: "T-that's where you are wrong. The people need a Symbol and you are that I'm not letting you die"

All-might tried to go forward with Ari however the Ice she had below her feet pushed him back slowly as she looked at All for one.

Ari: "Just us two again."

All for one: "It seems so... Don't do this All-Might can take you away and Heal you. I... can't watch you die again."

Ari: "Isn't that what I am always here for. So are you ready for another lesson."

All-Might could just barely hear the speech that was about to be said while Ari looked at All for one.

Ari: "We all change when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives. And that's ok, that's good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when Blizzard  was me."

Ari patted All for one on the shoulder as she turned to look at All-might and waved together with a playful smile on her face as suddenly All Toshi saw was White.

(Toshi's POV)

Toshi was in a hospital bandaged up as Recovery girl was also Beside him and she seemed to have been crying. Nighteye was by the Door and he also seemed to be upset but was trying not to show it as he slowly spoke one thing to Recovery girl.

Toshi: "W-where's Ari"

Recovery Girl Looked, even more, sadden by the question as Nighteye then left the room while Recovery girl tried to find the right words to say.

RG: "S-she's gone. She Sacrificed herself to destroy him."

That day was a sad one. Not only because of All-might's Injury but because of the lost of his best friend since U.A.

Ari K̢̧̲̙̪̞̼̥̘̦̗͇̦̀̈͋̀͌́̊̒̋̄̕͡͠ḭ̧̢̰̱͈̥̼̜̰͎̪̄̓̌̒̓̄͌͛̉̓̀͘̚͟͜͡ȳ̛̹̭̱͈̝̤̹̦̞̒͊̄̈́̏̽̐͜͡o̭͈̪̙̙̥̺͓̤̤̾̀͋̀̋̈́͌̎̋͢͡͡m̡̢̠̜̲̣͍̩͔͑́̓̽͐̍͋̑̕̚͜ỉ̢̧̩̹̗̖̗̫̼̪̬͙̥̃́͛̈̿͌̾̇̍̒̽̕ Was dead

(Present Day)

???: "Young Snow Are you there?"

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