Week 4/5

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Hello hello welcome back to my directors journal. Some pretty interesting things have popped up in my life this week so here are the best observations:

girl does an infamous dance on the R train called the "Renegade" dance. From TikTok. Her sister is sitting down and she is standing up, right in front of her embarsssing her. Her sister does all she can to avoid eye contact due to embarrassment. Their father seems to be highly entertained by the situation while the dancing girl has a huge smile plastered on her face.

Man licks napkin in corner of dining hall. A man sits in the corner of the dining hall near the doorway. He appears to be intensely licking a napkin that has no substance on it. Such a focused fella for an empty napkin.

A woman who has clearly had copious amounts of plastic surgery sits on the È train doing her makeup. She has EarPods sticking straight out of her ears which makes it appear as if she shoved them as far into her ear canal as possible. She must have some pretty resilient ear holes to not feel and ear pod being shoved deep into them.

Outside a chipotle, a woman throws a bag of her dogs shit on top of a trash can rather than in the can. She briskly walks away, fleeing the scene of the crime and looking around at her surroundings.

A man stands in the center of the gym. He begins to to hands stands many times. Then he moves into doing some king fu maybe? He now begins to do some cartwheels. The best part of this is that his performance is in such a small space yet not a single person hits into him. He's clearly in his own little world.

Directors journal:

Reaction to script analysis:
I found it to be very interesting learning about the writer-director. I write my own plays and when Judith said writing comes on a subconscious level she was correct. Some of the best things I've written have happened when I wasn't thinking at all, so how can I really interpret what's happening? I think it's also very important to to have the first reading Alison be the "skim". For me, if I've ever read a script it really takes more than one read to fully understand what's going on.

It's so interesting seeing all of the different shots in the first KATZ reading. I also think knowing what shots are typically grouped together is important especially if you are considering those shots for a specific scene. I also think in closed and open framing that it's very interesting to see how different frames affect who the character is and what they're experiencing.

Gook Reaction:

Before watching this film I had no idea what gook meant. I had never heard that word before in my entire life. This film was one I can't describe. It was important, sad, raw and real. A part which really stuck out to me was the end where the young girl ends up dying. This was so painful because it was her brothers fault she was dead; she took his gun after he kicked her out of the house and he was the one who was attacking the brothers at their shop. She was going to try and defend them but ended up hurting herself. While it is terribly sad, it shows things that really would happen during this time at this place. Things like this happen every day and sharing a story like this can really show people to not take life for granted and to be thankful for what and who they have around them while they are on this earth.

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