The Video

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Adam's POV

I've been spending a lot of time with Y/N. I mean there's nothing wrong with enjoying your life. We love having each other's company. "Hey Y/N, how's my favorite editor?"

"I think that's a little harsh. You have other editors too." she told me. "Speaking of which, I need to talk to you about your channel."

"Sure thing. What is it?"

"Well you've been on a pretty long break ever since we started dating. I'm sure your fans miss you after a while. You haven't even posted on any other social media. You got anything you need done?"

Shit. Didn't even get started on a script. "I guess I've been focused on other things. Ugh, I don't even have a video idea Y/N!"

"Well than you need to get home and think of something buddy. You have to keep a roof over your head. I'm sure you'll think of something Adam." she told me. I wasn't so sure but she kissed my forehead and looked at me. Those eyes, I can't fail those eyes.

When I got home from got straight to work. I had a book of ideas for videos. Any stories that I wanna do I write them down and think of scripts. Another video about Billy? No. Childhood? Maybe. A song? No, my next one is gonna take at least another two months, haven't even been working on that!

I decided on a video on my favorite video games. I started working on a script for it but for some reason nothing was coming to me. Maybe it was a wrong topic. I changed topic to a video about my dogs. Still nothing. What's stopping me from this video?

In my house, it was just me and my dogs. It was quiet to say the least. Normally, I would be fine I'm the quite of my house, even for an extrovert, it was never a huge problem. I tried to fill the air with some music, nothing. What's going on? Why did I feel so empty?

Suddenly, I realized why : I've been spending so much time with Y/N I guess I missed her. Her laugh when I told her a joke, her eyes when the lit up around me, how she turned red like a strawberry when I flirt with her. I miss her. Man, she's all I can think about. Wait-



I just needed him to work. That's all I wanted. Tonight, I was staying in Adam's house. He told me he was going to be pulling an all nighter. He would be in his office and I would be in his bedroom editing for James.

Once I got in I was greeted by both Thurnis and Chunkers. They walked over me as if they knew me their whole lives "That's weird, they normal don't do that." Adam said. "I kinda have that effect on dogs, since I was little." I said while petting them. Once I was done we both got to work on our projects.

It was around midnight now. Tried was an understatement. We started at like 6:45 to give a time stamp. We took a break to cuddle around 9:00 for 30 minutes and went back to work. I went over to Adam office to check on him. "Hey Adam, came to see how much you-" I stopped and listened. I heard small snores ; he's napping.

I looked over at him. He's so cute when he's asleep. Most people don't know, he might be a demon but he sleeps like an angel. He even had the stylus in mouth. I took a picture of him and left the room. I came back with two blankets and a pillow. I covered him up, moved some of his work stuff, carefully places the pillow under his head, and sat next to him. "My busy little demon. I'm beyond proud of you." I thought kissing his cheek and leaning on him till I fell asleep.


Adam woke up at 2AM a little confused. He felt something breathing on him, it was just Y/N. He realized that she took care of him while he was out. Adam finished the video and carried Y/N to bed.

Y/N yawned in his arms and fluttered her eyes open. "Morning sunshine." he said.

"Oh hey Adam. What ya doing?"

"Just returning your favor, Strawberry. I'm taking you to bed. I'm finished with my video anyway."

"Really? What's it about?" she asked.

"It's about you." Adam said while setting her down onto bed. " It's about how we met and how I fell for you. The animation is done but I still need to out in an end and I wanna film it with you!"

"Aww, Adam. That's so sweet. I can't wait to do it." Y/N said.

"I can't wait too, but right now it's bed time." Adam said getting in with Y/N. She rested her head on his chest and they quickly fell asleep.


The next day in the afternoon, the two set up to start filming. "Is it good?" she asked. Adam looked at the set up and looked at her. "Just one thing." Adam said. He gave her his 'Common Sense' sweater. "Now it's perfect."

"Hey guys, I have someone very special for you to me." Adam started.

"It's me!" Y/N said. Adam couldn't help but laugh at her adorableness.

"This is my girlfriend Y/N. The one that I made the video about. She's my little strawberry."

"Did you even tell them why you call me that?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's because your wearing SomethingElseYT merch from the merch store." The two laughed. "Just kidding. I call her strawberry because when she blushes her face looks like one."

"Well, I spent the whole videos talking about you. Now talk about me!" Adam said.

"Well, when we were young you were the last person I thought I would date. You do get annoying, loud, protective, and really gross."

"Ouch." Adam said. He than burped into his mic. "Your just proving my point." Y/N said. Two two started laughing again.

"At the end of the day, you're funny, cute, caring, and you always make me smile. I don't think there's anyone else I'd wanna date. I love you Adam." Y/N said.

Adam was pretty much flustered by Y/N's words. His face was practically on fire and he shyly smiled. "Come here, silly." Y/N said. The two shared there first kiss on camera.

The video did really well. Most fans seemed to love and the only ones who were hating on it were haters and heartbroken fangirls. They didn't upset them though. Y/N loved the video and that was all Adam really cared about.

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