Demon Wingman Part 1 (No specific gender)

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(There! Now everyone can have Adam. No genders anymore.)

Adam's POV

I was having another dream about them. Their eyes were beautiful, hair was well brushed, perfect outfit, the cutest smile, and the softest hands holding mine.

We were on a date. I had taken them to the aquarium. We found a round room that was surrounded by fish. They leaned close to me and I did to them. Everything was perfect.



"Adam get the fuck off your fat ass!"

I woke up to a little off white demon in red shorts slapping me to death, trying to wake me up. That was my roommate and what feels like my forever shadow. Demon Adam is what I call him or D. He's a demon from hell who pretty much came up to have a little fun and watch over me. He's really REALLY annoying sometimes but he can be nice and friendly so I don't mind all that much.

"Fuck dude! Get off! Ugh you just ruined that dream..." I groaned.

"Oh you mean the one about your friend with no benefits." he snickered.

I smacked him in the head with a pillow and watched him tumble over.

I decided to get up and start my morning routine. We both went downstairs to eat a quick breakfast of fruit and oatmeal. Then we took a shower and got dressed. I wore a white jacket with black jeans and black and red sneakers. Demon Adam just wears the same red sweater I gave him. He swears it means nothing by him but he barely ever changes his outfit.

"Could you at least wear some pants?" I asked.

"Why? I don't have anything to hide like you!" He chuckled.

"Well then why do you never want me to see you during showers?"

"It's the principal of it Adumb!"

I chuckled and unlocked the door to my house to head on a walk. Of course wherever I go, D comes too. I never really mind as long as he doesn't make me do something really stupid, especially since I'm the only one who can see him and it would be pretty hard to make someone believe there's an invisible demon with me.

As we walked through the busy streets of the city, I stopped by a small corner bakery. It was my favorite place to stay with all the delicious cakes, pastries, muffins, and chocolate drinks. Though I would be lying if I said that was the real reason why I love it here.

"Do you think she's in today?" the short demon asked.

"She owns the place, of course she's in!" I whispered.

The owner of the bakery was Y/N, a short, sweet, hardworking and adorable kitchen master. We've talked together from time to time. They always bring a smile to my face from making my chocolate milk right to a free surprise cupcake. We sometimes talked about work or movies we liked. They always tell me I'm their favorite customer.

Y/N gave me a wave from behind a line of people. I felt my heart flutter as I waved back. They smiled so brightly it felt like being in the sunlight.

"So is today the day?" D asked while looking up at the menus

"The day?"

"You know, the day you finally get some benefits out of being friends with Y/N."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. He's kinda right though. I would like to be something more with them. Why not ask to go on a date while I'm here, or at least a phone number?

Once I made it to the front of the line, I met them. They gave me that sunshine smile and asked, "What can I get you today Adam?"

"Some bitches." D teased.

"U-uh...the usual. A cup of hot chocolate and a bagel."

D sighed.

"Sounds good! By the way I'm starting to give out fortune cookies. They're gonna be a new thing on the menu! It's free so do you wanna give it a try?" they asked while fidgeting with their gloves.

"Sure! Sounds great!"

I sat down and waiting for my order at my usual table near a window. The demon by my shoulder was giving me a disappointed look, staring at me in shame. I tried my best ti turn around and ignore him but I could feel his gaze from the back of my head.


"Come on man, why didn't you ask them out?"

"It's complicated." I said while pretending to be on a phone call by placing mine up to my ear.

"Adam, the worst thing they can say is no! Why don't you try a little bit of flirting to get started? Then you shoot your shot and ask if they like you and wanna go on a date."

"It's embarrassing. You know I'm not good at flirting! The last time I tried to flirt with someone I got slapped across the face."

"Offensive jokes aren't flirts Adam."

"I didn't know it was offensive!!!"

"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you let me posses you?"

I looked down at my little friend with slight confusion and concern, "You want to posses me? Really?"

"Of course why not? I'll flirt with Y/N for you and you don't have to mess up and ruin anything. You just sit back in your body and let me do all the work."

"I dunno...wouldn't that be really dangerous?"

"If I didn't know what I was doing, but I do!"

Deep down I didn't feel like this was a good idea but I couldn't think of anything else. I didn't know how to flirt with Y/N on my own so why not have someone to law do it for me. It seemed to be easier. My hands felt tied.


D grinned and took my hand. The deed was about to be done.

( Ayo!!! Making this one a two parter because I wanna make sure I get out a story. Part two will come out soon and will focus more on Y/N! Promise!"

Have a good one! Stay Positive!)

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