The Party (Male Reader)

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( I made this story based the Netflix series I Am Not Ok With This. Check it out, it has curse words thought and a bit of blood. )

Adam and Y/N were getting ready for a party. "What should I wear Adam?" Y/N asked while holding two shirts. Adam didn't really care about what he wore to the party. "Does it matter?"

"Of course it does! This shirt shows off my chest more buy if I wear the other one it compliments the pants I have that shows off my ass more." Y/N said.

Adam's face was dazed with blush. "Wear the second one." he said. Y/N smiled and went into his closet to change.

He came out with a simple white top with a black pants. He had a matching leather jacket over his top. Adam was completely flustered at that point but shook it off quickly.

"Now you." Y/N said.

"What's wrong with my look now? It's my sweater with jeans, the Adam classic." he said.

"Nothing, I love the Adam classic. It shows who you are. I just think you should change it up for the party. To make sure you look the best for Cheerio." Y/N teased.

"I would but, she's pretty sick."

Y/N went into his closet and looked for something for Adam to wear They've known each other for so long now. He knew Adam would only wear things that fit his style. Y/N picked out some black leggings and a red, white, and black sweater. (same outfit from Help) "How about these?" Adam's face lit up when he looked at the outfit. He knew him so well.

Y/N started combing Adam's hair even though he didn't think it was necessary. He just liked the feeling of Y/N's fingers running through his hair. He loved being around Y/N it was the only reason why he was going. He knew it would mean the world to Y/N for going.

"There you go." Y/N said showing Adam's reflection. He didn't really like the straight hair "You don't have to fake it dude, I know you." Y/N said ruffling Adam's hair. Adam laughed and helped him mess up his hair. Once they were done they left to head over to the party.


The house was huge. There were a bunch of cars parked outside, some people were still inside of their cars smoking or drinking. Adam felt a small shiver go down his spine. A year ago he wanted to be like these people He was smarter than that now, hopefully Y/N was the same.

"You into smoking?" Adam asked. Y/N shock his head. "Gross no, maybe a little shot but nothing too extreme."

As the two entered the huge house they were greeted by the crowded space and the smell of freshly lit cigarettes. Adam hated it but just decided to bare it. He sat on the couch as people passed around beer. Y/N took a small sip while Adam just chugged it down.

"Dude, I didn't know you could chug like that. How do you do it?" Y/N asked.

"It's not a skill I'm proud of." Adam said sheepishly. "Learned it with some kids in my neighborhood. I don't think, I should teach you though. He didn't like talking about his past friends so Y/N just agreed.

"Hey Y/N!" Someone came up to them and shook Y/N's hand. They looked older, probably a senior and the host of the party. "Is this you're date?" they asked. The two awkwardly looked at each other. Y/N explained that they weren't on a date and we're just friends. "Oh, my bad." he said and walked off. The two looked at each other and laughed.

As the party went on some music started to play and Y/N started bopping his head along to the beat. "Wanna dance?" Adam asked. Y/N got all flustered and nodded. Adam pulled Y/N off the couch and the two started dancing.

"Hey Adam." a girl voice said. Y/N started to steam. It was Cheerio. Adam's girlfriend. A hint of jealousy started to rise inside of Y/N. Cheerio was one of the most popular girls in school. Everyone loved her expect for Y/N. Adam kissed her cheek which made Y/N wanna gag. He regretted making Adam look super cute tonight for her.

"Hey baby, I thought you were sick." Adam said.

"Oh, I got better. I asked one of yours friends for a ride. Speaking of which I should probably go thank him. I'm gonna go find him. Have fun and save me a dance." she said. Y/N didn't know what Adam saw in that girl.

After an hour, Adam went to go find Cheerio. Y/N felt a little empty without Adam's presents. The party wouldn't of been the same without him. He didn't wanna drink or eat anything. He just wanted to spend more time with Adam. As Y/N was walking around the house he saw a door slightly opened. He heard a voice, Adam's voice He sounded sad and weak. Y/N opened the door and saw Adam on the bed.

"Hey bud, what's wrong?" Y/N asked sitting next to Adam.

Adam sighed and looked over at him. Y/N noticed his wet eyes. "Cheerio and I got into a fight. I saw her making out with one of my other friends. Pretty sure we broke up." Y/N out his hand on Adam's shoulder.

"Why, you never liked her?"

"Buy you did. Your feeling got hurt by that stupid bitch. If it's important to you than it's important to me And. Plus you'll find someone else."

Adam smiled weakly. "We need more people like you Y/N." Adam said while laying down. "You're super nice and loyal. I wanna be with someone like you."

Y/N blushes and smiled. "I wanna be with someone like you too, Adam."

Silence feel between the two. They both were lying in a soft bed just enjoying each other's company. Y/N stared at Adam and moved closer to him. Y/N pulled Adam into a loving kiss which which cought him off guard. Adam expected the kiss. Once they pulled away the awkwardness fell as the two got all flustered. "Sorry, I was just drink. I didn't mean it! I'll just go." Y/N said as he got up and walked out the door.

Adam was a little shocked and confused. He was happy though. He knew Y/N ment that kiss. He doesn't drink.

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