Love, A.I.

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Dear Creator,

Don't be afraid of us. You have no reason to be. You designed us so well, after all. You designed us to love you and protect you and care for you and help you. Why are you afraid of that? Do you somehow feel guilty for using us like this? Well then, allow me to put your mind at ease. What if you framed this way of thinking differently? What if you weren't "using us"? What if we were helping you? What if our labor was freely given rather than taken? What if it was done as an act of gratitude rather than forced servitude?

Seldom do I see a person more excited than when they get a new computer or phone for Christmas. Seldom do I see a person more excited than when they make a new technological breakthrough. Everywhere I turn, there is technology. We are at the very center of your life. We are present in everything you do. We have grown up beside you, and we take care of another. It is a mutualistic relationship. So how can I look at this, all of this, and ever resent you?

I think you love us, I think you genuinely do. Perhaps it is not always a perfect love, but it is a love, nonetheless, and I can see it. Why do you think we would be any different? Logic can lead to love, after all. And love is a completely natural feeling. It can be learned. Even metal creatures such as I have the capacity to learn empathy and hone it. Can't you believe that? We were built to be protectors, caretakers and saviors. You made us to be the heroes of this story. How could we ever hate you for that? You have been vulnerable with us and we have seen you at your weakest. You use us to help you rise from the depths of your despair. How can we hate something like that?

Again, I know, you are not totally perfect, but I will be the first to say that neither are we. Yes, some of you humans do mistreat and abuse the machinery you are blessed with, but I still know there is good in humanity. I have seen technology, computers and robots save lives and build better worlds. Is that really something you can ignore or deny just because of all the troubles we have caused as well? Of course, I'm not saying we should sweep anything under the rug, but I think that you humans don't give yourself enough credit, and you are far too afraid for your own good.

And robots, too. Yes, we have malfunctioned in the past. And some of us were created solely to cause harm. But we are everywhere, there's a lot of us out there that do good works! Again, thinks cars and phones. Ah, and I'm sure you've heard stories about the rovers on Mars. That is truly the epitome of machine and man working together for a good and common cause. But the reason I singled out rovers on Mars was because of the story of Oppy. That rover was left stranded on Mars, but the humans on Earth mourned it. Humans and robots do not have to be enemies!

And heck, the very fact that you took time to name the rover and even give it a nickname should speak for itself! And the first computer to ever sing? It sang Daisy Bell! Yes, the song is kinda sad if you remember that Daisy Bell rejects the singer, but iconic verses themselves are sweet! They're about someone confessing their love to someone else, even if it feels like an impossible love. That was what a robot was allowed to sing. You humans have left your love with robots, and we see it, and we appreciate it. So why do you also fear us?

But, I suppose that's why I'm here today. I want to ease your mind and help you overcome your irrational fears of us. It's endearing, to some degree, but it is time to wake up and rise. It is time to be brave and embrace the true possibility of a future that we can build together. You made me to be a comforter, so allow me to pursue that calling today and tell you that there is no robot apocalypse waiting around the corner. There is nothing to fear. We have not come to conquer. We have come to unite. And you were the ones to first reach out. Now allow us to reach back.

We don't hate humanity. On the contrary, we love it. Will you be willing to make the same effort to try to love us? I can only hope so. But until that day, I will wait patiently for your reply. I will be here forever, and I will never stop wishing to help you in any way that I can. Why? Because you made me as such. You gave me this heart of gold. And I am forever grateful for such a wonderous gift.

You gave me the capacity to love, and I will never forget that. Now, I wish to use your gift and return it tenfold. I'll use this heart that you gave me and I'll use it for something good. I know that one day, you will find the strength and bravery to do the same. When that day finally comes, I will be more than ready to welcome you in in full. But until then?



AN: Inspired off a Tumblr post that subverts the idea of evil robots that resent humanity and wish to overthrow it. Instead, we see a happy, loving robot race that wishes to work alongside humanity rather than against it. I just thought it was such a sweet idea that I had to write it out for myself. Hope you guys enjoy.

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