Intro: Menel

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There was a small whistle in the air as the wind blew through the trees. Menel stood looking up at the sun streaks that leaked through the canopy of leaves. Everything smelled of flowered plants making the setting serene and relaxing. Moments passed and she decided to move forward along the natural path in front of her again. There was only so much daylight and she needed to get out and find a tavern. Vegetation made a crunch sound adding on to the choir of birds and other critters that called this place home. She sighed remembering her friend's Lucien and Luna. Each of them had to go their own ways. Lucien was a hunter and Luna an Assassin. They were all different yet one thing they held in common is they were all born with pointed ears. Menel's talent was magic. Magic is what had helped her escape the burning of her village and the loss of her family. At first she hadn't known about the force field around her but when there was nothing but embers and stone pillars it dissipated she knew she was gifted. Magic was common in her race, but they had thought for some time it had skipped her.

A small flame grew in her palm as she thought of fire. She blew it out as if to make a point she'd never let herself lose control. Magic could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

A root tripped her suddenly due to her own distraction, but she caught herself breathing heavily. That was scary; rustling nearby put her more on edge. Her head swiftly turned to the sound and her eyes met with the eyes of a deer. It froze for a good minute before bolting in the other direction. She sighed with relief and continued on her journey as if the event never happened.

Menel was a high elf, born in a smaller clan from a small island to the south west.

Lucien is a wood elf. He didn't care about the stereotype when it came to his archery. He mastered it from the age of five and enjoyed it ever since.

Luna wanted to be a professional thief, but since she had her first kill of a man who once abused his family a bloodlust ran through her. She'd do this for free if she could, but she has to make money somehow. The difference between her and a typical sell sword is she will kill anyone but children and doesn't take honor jobs like killing the random bandit hoard. Although she was happy to help Menel and Lucien do so due to their friendship.

All three had met at a tavern to the north where the winds were cold, and the mead made them feel warm. A contract on a farmer's wife was in the next town over bringing Luna, a giant causing the death of livestock tempted Lucien, and the random call of adventure is what brought Menel. Not everyone knows of her magic. It's for the best but she didn't hesitate to use it to help Lucien with the giant and make Luna invisible for an easier assassination. They split any profit evenly and always spent it on spirits and bed wherever they could find it.

What separated them wasn't in their control. Luna had a contract in another region of the country, Lucien heard of drakes in the mountains attacking local villages, and Menel heard of a school of magic she had never seen before.

Menel was mostly self-taught but took lessons from wizards in towers and the occasional sorceress she came across. These were the honorable sort usually working for Kings and Lords. Hags and necromancers were not an option! To amount herself to raising the dead or selling her soul would diminish her character. Mainly it was an actual fear of hell.

The path in front of her opened up showing a field ahead. The field seemed to stretch for miles. Although on one of the hills it looked like there was a carriage. Where there is a carriage there is a road. Where there is a road there is a path that leads to a place to sleep for the night and to ask for directions. If she was lucky, she could make it to the carriage before it got too far, it looked like it wasn't moving. Worst case scenario is that bandits raided it, best case she could pay for a ride and take a break from walking. She began to run, pacing herself as not to tire herself out if there was a bandit confrontation. The carriage got closer into view and Menel could see two horses at the front. One with a brown coat and white nose was picking at the ground with its hooves while the other ate some grass sticking out between the cobblestone path they were at. A man sat at the front seemingly asleep, possibly taking a rest from his long journey.

"Excuse me, sir," Menel said once she stood next to the carriage.

"Hmph," he woke up suddenly the cap from his head falling into his lap.

"It's dangerous to nap on an open road," she spoke.

"I'll be fine, I don't need your advice," the man huffed. He looked at her ears and scowled further. Great a racist, maybe walking would be best.

"Wasn't trying to offend, I just need a ride to the nearest tavern," she should at least try.

"I don't give rides," he placed his hat back on his head.

"I'm willing to pay. Twenty gold?" Menel offered. His ears seemed to visibly perk up.

"Fifty," he said. Fifty would be enough at any other driver to go cross country. It was a steep price.

"Twenty-five," Menel crossed her arms staring intently. The man stared back then sighed.

"Fine, but pay up front," he held out his hand. Menel grabbed the coins from a purse at her side and handed them to the man. "Now in the back, next tavern should be an hour's ride." She climbed in and sat next to some boxes. Who knew what could be inside? Crops, wine, mead, weapons, stolen goods; it wasn't her business what, yet it didn't stop the thoughts from going through her head.

The man shook the reigns with a "huh" and the horses trotted along the road. Menel yawned. She had been traveling since daylight. Without realizing it, it was her turn to take a nap. She lay against one of the boxes and fell asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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