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This is dedicated to: ash_uppal, Plaguebird, and psycokillerwithfangs for being so awesome and encouraging me to write this.



1.Run With the Wolves~ Feel the wild side

Wolves are one of the most admired predator species. I mean, you don’t see that many people with a bear tattoo do you? I didn’t think so. But wolves are almost legendary in a way. The idea of them having their own packs that hunt, fight, and live together in the wild almost brings a kind of wonder to their already mysterious persona.

If I were a werewolf, I would love running with these wild creatures. It would really be the only way to run. I mean come on; I could run with other werewolves who have a human mind so they have a consciousness and a schedule, or I could run wild and free with true wolves. The wind would flow through my fur as my paws thud against the soft loam on the forest floor. While the other werewolves are running back home to make it to their dentist appointments, I would still be racing with my wild pack, all stress leaving my mind. There are no worries about what others will think about my clothes (or fur in this case) when running with the wild wolves.

Wolves of the wild are the best friends a werewolf could have, they don’t judge.

2.Sleep in my Wolf Form When it’s Cold~ So comfy, so warm

There is one thing that I treasure even more than my books (surprising I know), and that is sleep. Getting all snuggled up in the middle of a giant blanket burrito all warm and happy would make even the saddest people happy. ‘Cause really, who doesn’t want to be all warm and comfy? Not to mention the dreams! Now I have freaky dreams- that we definitely will not get into, but they are always interesting, and major book fuel. So I always look forward to my dreams. But what if it were cold? Then you squirm around, burrowing your toes, which always seem to be the coldest part of you, into the blanket in the hopes that they will warm up, and all of your funtertaining dreams are interrupted! What kind of sleep is that?

If I were a werewolf, the cold toes and roving blankets wouldn’t be a problem because I could just shift! Just think about it, as a werewolf you turn into a wolf. Do you realize what wolves have attached to their skin? That’s right, a carpet! Wolves are basically roving shag carpets which, in case you didn’t know, are very snuggly and warm. So it stands to reason, that if you’re like me and you like to be nice and toasty while you sleep, shifting into a wolf when you sleep would just make sense. So, all I would need to do when the clock strikes ten at night (depending on your bed time) is strip so that I don’t shred my clothes and “Zzapp!” turn right into a fluffy, fanged carpet dog. It would be like being my own portable heated blanket. It would be the best! I could just see it now. I would get myself an extra soft doggy bed and lay it out on my floor and turn into my wolf. Curling up in a little loop of fluffy warmth will add extra comfort while I dream away about chasing squirrels, or deer if I’m feeling really ambitious.

Here’s too sleep filled nights wrapped in my own personal blanket of warmth. I just love to…………. Zzzzzz….. Zzzzzzz      

3.Find my Mate~ Romance, Drama, and, most of all, Love.

I’m sure all, if not most of you understand the concept of love at first sight. I for one find the idea of looking into someone’s eyes and knowing immediately that they’re the one for me a blend of both mesmerizing and disturbing. Now, before you get all upset with me, consider my reasons.  For one, this dude (or chick) that has been chosen to be your soul-mate is a complete stranger. So what exactly to you say to them? “Oh hey, I never saw you before in my life and don’t know anything about you, but I love you now ‘cause you’re my soul-mate!” Yeah, no. But, there is something amazingly romantic about the whole werewolf soul-mate thing that makes me wish I had one. I mean, who in their right mind would not want a person to love them unconditionally without really having to work super hard for it? And remember I said right mind.

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