My top 10 non-anime shows

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I love Anime with a passion, but of course there are shows that are not anime that i love alot. So here are my top 10! Also, these are all cartoons.

Note: the " things are a few opinions of the show i have.

10: Victor and Valentino.
"Since im Latina(the characters are Mexican but im Cuban but who cares :U), i really like this show. Its very fun and cool to watch. I always find myself watching it on the Cartoon Network Youtube channel when im bored XD"

9: Adventure Time
"This was the first Cartoon Network show i watched. I had DREAMS of living in Ooo and meeting the characters, i loved it so much. All the characters are loveable and fun to watch. Jake is still my favorite character."

8: Bee and Puppycat
"This show inspired me to make more characters and to draw more. Cause the show is so pretty and cute but at the same time can give a plottwist at any moment (not gonna say anything cause SPOILERS). Im still waiting for Lazy in Space, I LOVE CARDAMON!!!

7: The Amazing World Of Gumball
"Hehe you saw this coming right? Gumball is a series i watched ever day on tv when i was in Miami. My mom was always so confused watching it, but i always liked it. My dad approved. I miss you Gumball T_T"

6: Shining Star
Technically this show is Korean, but i dont count it as an Anime. Its very Similar to Aikatsu or Pripara but a bit better. I just watched the final episode today, and i cant believe it. Im so happy Nara is muse and Peach is just-"

5: The PowerPuff Girls
"Laugh at me all you want, but i love PPG. i watched it when i was younger, and me and school friends would pretend to be Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. Oh and i DESPISE the 2016 reboot. But the original is of course my favorite."

4: Voltron: Legendary Defender
"I havent talked about this show much, but i LOVE this show. Even though S8 sucked, its still very nice and i love to watch it. I remember having a dream i was in the Voltron universe i loved it so much- but yeah! This show i amazing."

3: Steven Universe
"SU is my childhood and i had an obsession with it for around 4 years or 3 years? It has alot of Revolutionary Girl Utena refrences and i love it cause of that. Pearl and Peridot are my favorite characters. Also can 16 year old Steven go to Therapy or somethin-"

2: Epithet Erased
"YES. THIS SHOW IS GOLD!!! its one of the best things ive watched in a long time. I love all the characters (except Molly's Dad he can die in a hole). It can be both funny, adorable, sad, emotional, and so many more. "But Anime-chan, why is it not #1?" Well you see....i just had to put THIS in #1...."

1: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
"I watched mlp ever since it first aired. My mom bought me a CD of Royal Wedding and i LOVED IT. it was so amazing and i love watching it on Netflix. I saw clips of Season 9(since im still waiting for it to come out on Netflix) and i literally started crying. Mlp will always be in my heart no matter what age i am, and no matter how many years pass."

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