[Imagine] Fluff!Rin Matsuoka x Reader [Free! Iwatobi Swim Club] Not-So-Fun-Facts

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I'll show you a sight you've never seen before!❞ ~Rin Matsuoka

[Imagine] Fluff!Rin Matsuoka x Reader [Free! Iwatobi Swim Club]

Requested By: xGivvy

"I want to go to Australia! I mean I am going to go to Australia." You declared as you walked back into Rin's room. He looked at you and sat up from the bunk of his bed. Momo was gone.

"No fair..." He said as he looked at you.


'"You look better in my clothes than I do..." You were wearing his swim team's jacket, and it was -to say the least- a little large on you. The room had suddenly gotten cold so you went to put it on.

You grabbed the pillow that was on his bed and threw it at his face.

"Did you not just hear me?! I'm going to the place where children ride kangaroos to school..." You smiled cheekily at Rin who gave you a playful glare. You knew that he lived in Australia for part of his childhood so you often teased him about things you knew weren't true.

"We can go together if you really want to." Rin said as he tossed the pillow aside, and pull you down to embrace him.

"That's the thing... I'd want to go alone. Since we've started dating I do everything together, and I think it would be cool to experience a different country by myself."

"Are you breaking up with me over Australia?"

"N-no," You tried to explain what you meant but Rin gently kissed the tip of your nose before chuckling.

"I know you aren't babe, don't worry. But I have an idea... How about I just tell you about Australia?"

"That isn't the point... I want to experience it first hand like you did!"

"Let's see... It's the sixth largest country in the world... and most of the exotic plants and some of the animals aren't anywhere else in the world besides in Australia..."

"Rin?" Rin pulled you closer to him and you rested on his arm. He was looking up at nothing in particular as he tried to remember what he knew.

"Most of the people -around 80%- live within 100 kilometers of the coast which is pretty cool. I lived close to an ocean and it really helped to calm my nerves." He closed his eyes as he concentrated.

You hummed lightly and then sighed when you noticed that he was just falling asleep.

You nudged his side and got a soft reaction.

"... we have Australia Day... and 1.35 trillion bottles of wine are produced from that country." He murmured before nodding off again.

"Rin if you're just gonna fall asleep don't even bother talking..." He didn't say anything in reply and only rested his chin on your head before letting his eyelids get heavy. Soon his breathing got slower before he was fully asleep.

Why did he even randomly know that stuff...

You sat up as you tried to not wake him, and stretched. You looked down at his sleeping face. You poked his cheek, but pouted as you thought.

"Why don't you want me to not go so badly?" You asked Rin, and didn't expect an answer.

You went to poke his face again but he grabbed your wrist with his hand. His eyes were still closed.

"I don't want you to leave my side..." he said with an unreadable expression "I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt a little when you said you didn't want me to go with you."

"I didn't mean it like that..." You bent down to kiss him softly on the lips.

"I know, I'm just being sensitive."

"You should be sensitive more often, it's cute. And I guess you could come to Australia with me." You smiled as you joked. He reached up to kiss you again when someone cleared their throat.

A tall guy with brown hair and clear blue eyes stood in the doorway and he looked annoyed.

"Oh, Sosuke! Well it's about time you met my girl anyways..."

"Why is she wearing your jacket with short shorts on? Did you two do it-"

You buried your face in Rin's shirt as you blushed uncontrollably, and listened as Rin laughed awkwardly as he tried to explain.

That was a start to a very awkward morning.


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