[Imagine] Sebastian Michaelis x Reader [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji] Circus Fun

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Circus Fun

I am one hell of a butler. So long as the young master possesses the 'mark of the covenant' . . . I am his faithful dog. A 'sacrifice' . . . a 'wish' . . . and a 'covenant' bind me to my master.❞ ~Sebastian Michaelis

[Imagine] Sebastian Michaelis x Reader [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji]

Requested By: Darkest_Witch

A/N #unpopularopinionnight Idk why everyone likes Snake more than Joker. I find Joker waaaaaaaaaay better tbh. And this is late af, please forgive me.

"Doll, one more time!"

"Y/N, if we do it again and you fall you might really get hurt. And plus I have to go do something tonight..." Doll warned you as she stood up from the opposite side of the tight rope.

"Just... once more. I really have to get this right." You coaxed her as you stood up a well and got ready to do trick #35, which involved three flips.

"Fine," she gave in as she began to get ready. "I'll go when you give me the signal." She said.

"1, 2, 3... Now!" You take a small running start onto the rope, and Doll is doing the same on the opposite side.

You got ready to do the first flip when your feet suddenly went unstable, and you couldn't feel the tight rope under your feet anymore.

"Y/N!" Doll exclaimed as you went falling towards the ground. Then a pair of arms enveloped you in their grasp and you gasped. Your heart was beating fast and you were afraid to even open your eye. You could hear a crowd gathering around you and your savior.

"Wow, Black you're an angel! A hero!"

Black? The new guy?

"I can assure you that I am just the opposite," he answered

"Sebast- I mean, Black what do you think your doing?" Another unfamiliar voice asked.

You peeked an eye open to see that a tall, dark and mysterious figure was holding you. You could feel the blush creeping up onto your face when you realized that he was holding you when you were only in a tiny leotard and that a larger crowd had gathered.

"I-I'm terribly sorry! Please put me down!" You scrambled out of his arms and onto the floor.

"Y/N! Oh my God, are you okay?!" Doll shouted as she went to aide you.

"Y-Yeah... will everyone stop staring!?" You shouted. You had been in the circus for 3 years and everyone knew you had a short fuse on your temper. Quickly the crowd dispersed, yet Smile and Black stood in the same spots they were in. They gave off dark auras, and you didn't like it.

"Go get some rest... please tell me if your hurt, because if you are you know that I can't let you do the show tonight."

You stared back at Black who had unusual redish eyes, yet perfect silky black hair and a very handsome face. After you were staring for a bit to long, his eyes turned and saw yours and you two locked gazes, but you reluctantly looked away and continued talking to the frantic Doll.

"I'm gonna go eat first, then go to sleep." You mumbled to her before walking away.


It was the day of the big show, and Doll was nowhere to be found.

"Have you seen Doll, Suit?" You ask a gentleman that had joined the same day as Smile and Black. The only reason you knew his name was because you were assigned to train him, but it seemed like he already knew more than the whole circus combined.

"Yes actually. She was in the infirmary with Joker, I believe she injured her leg... or something of that sort..."

"Y/N, you're on!" Dagger called as he ran off stage and behind the curtain.

"B-But Doll hurt herself! Who am I gonna do the act with?"

"We found a replacement," Dagger replied before he began to shove you onto stage.


"Me," A hand was outstretched towards you.

Suddenly you were pushed into the stage and there was no turning back. You looked into Black's cold eyes and noted that he looked even hotter in his show make-up.

The spotlights flew to you two, so you hesitantly placed your hand on top of his white glove and smiled at the crowd.

"Give it up for Y/S/N (Your stage name) and Black!" Joker introduced you two with a laugh.

"I hope you know what you're doing," You whisper. Suddenly Black picked you up swiftly before you could comprehend, and easily spun you in the air as if you were as a light as a feather. The crowd gasped and cheered as his trick. He dipped you back down so that your legs wrapped around his waist as an instinct, and you were nearly upside down.

"Of course I do. I'm simply one hell of a performer."

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