[Imagine] Fluff!Momiji Sohma x Reader [Fruits Basket] Bunnies

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...but you know there's something I believe. I want to try and live my life carrying all my memories with me. And even if those memories are painful, even if they do nothing but hurt me, I want to keep them. Even those memories I sometimes wish I could forget. As long as I cary them with me, as long as I can keep holding on, then someday I'll be strong enough that those memories don't hurt me anymore, and I'll be glad that I have them. ❞ ~Momiji Sohma

[Imagine] Fluff!Momiji Sohma x Reader [Fruits Basket]

Requested By: SisterOfMiyaH

Author Note: I'm sorry if Momiji is ooc. I barely remember his character. >_<

Made by the lovely and talented DesertButterfly


"Wanna play hide and seek, Momiji?" You asked the small, blond haired boy.

As always, he would excitedly jump and clap his hands as he exclaimed, 'Yes! Yes!'

"Okay, you hide while I seek. That okay?"

"I'm all for it! Just don't cheat." He widely grins while you pouted. It did annoy you that he can tease you from time to time, but he really is an innocent and sweet boy.

As you started counting against the tree, you could hear the sounds of grass being crushed which let you know that Momiji was looking for a spot to hide. When the crunching of the grass stopped, you could tell he finally found a place to hide. It was also easy to tell he wasn't too far since the crunching only happened for a few seconds.

When you finished counting to thirty, you yelled, "Ready or not, here I come!"

You searched each bush to see if he was hiding behind them, but you still couldn't find him. However, you heard a few faint giggles coming from a bush bigger than the others.

"Momiji?" You walked by the bush and saw Momiji petting a white, baby rabbit.

"Ah, Y/N." He smiles but his smile wasn't the usual. His smile would normally be a smile filled with joyfulness, but this smile seemed like it was forced to show on his face. It resembled almost like a smile that was about to burst out in wails of grief.

Turning your attention to the baby rabbit, you sat down next to Momiji and giggled at the cute scene in front of you. Let's see, the rabbit of the zodiac petting another rabbit is quite adorable. If you hugged him at this moment, the baby rabbit would have a playmate.

"The rabbit's mom...I don't know where she is." Momiji mumbles with his eyes still fixated on the petite creature.

"This is a pretty small park. The mom shouldn't be that hard to find."

"This little guy must be hungry though... We should feed it and wait for the mom."

You nodded at this and grabbed a zip-locked bag that contained a few carrots as a healthy snack for the both of you. But not knowing if the rabbit ate really concerned you, so of course you gave up the snack for the little fellow.

~Time skip~

You've been waiting with Momiji for a few hours and the sun was already setting. "It's getting late, Momiji..."

"You can go home. I'll wait." His tone of voice was confident more than ever. Although he suggested you could leave, you couldn't stand the thought of merely being unhelpful.

"N-No. I'll wait too."

Once again, both of you just kept silent. To you, the atmosphere felt a bit tense and every time you glanced at Momiji, he continued to stare at the rabbit he held in his arms.

Suddenly, the rabbit jumped off of Momiji's arms and ran away from the both of you. This obviously startled you but not for Momiji. Instead of panicking, he smiled. It wasn't the usual smile or the pained smile you saw. It was a relieved smile.

You wondered why he was smiling since the rabbit ran away, but when you searched beyond the grass, there were two rabbits snuggling against each other. One looked exactly like the one you two were caring for, while the other one was much more bigger.

"That's good. The mom came back to find her child..." You heard Momiji sigh as if the heavy weight on his chest had lifted.

Yet, the way his eyes shined seemed a bit...sad. The way he said his sentence made you feel guilt. You felt guilty because you knew why he was exactly acting this way and you couldn't realize it sooner.

The rabbit he found, resembled his lost self without his mother.

Building enough courage, you eagerly wrapped you arms around his waist and immediately, a big puff of smoke surrounded you two.

"Y-Y/N?! W-Why would you do that?!" The transformed Momiji nervously trembled as you continued to hug him.

"I finally found you, Momiji. So you don't have to worry anymore."


This got me in the feels. Awww. -Bry_anime

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