Xi Luhan (very sad)

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Four months after your wedding with Luhan. He got accepted on the military and you were sad because you thought too much about what if Luhan's not ok, what if he dies, will he forget about me and move on with some military women instead of me? Luhan came to you and he hugged you. Luhan said," Bao Bei its ok I'll be fine don't worry about me ok. I want you to stay strong without me. I'll never move on I'll always love you Y.n remember that. Well I'll call you every day and night to talk to you ok I got to go now take care." You cried and said," L-Luhan please be safe ok. C-Come home soon I need you I'll be lonely without you when you leave me. Take care I love you and your always mines forever. Goodbye my manly deer call me when you get there ok." Luhan said," I will Y.n I will don't worry I promise. I got to go don't cry over me I am watching you from above and below so don't cry ok it hurts me more than you do. Goodbye my love." Then he hugged you for the last time then he left to the military.
-Skipped to months later-
Y.n's Pov
Luhan where are you? Are you ok?Please be ok I'm worried about you my manly deer. Months passed and you still didn't call me. (TT~TT) Did you get killed by the Philadelphia people? Whenever I call you,you don't answer my calls and texts. I hadn't heard from you in months. Whatever happens to you I'm there don't worry if you get killed I will kill myself to be with you, to stay with you, to love you, to take care of you, and to start a family with you because that's what you really wanted right my manly deer. (XD)
-Flashback 3 years-
Luhan said," Y.n maybe one day we can start a family together." I said," Yeah but I don't think I'm ready for it yet." Luhan looked at me and said," Its ok take your time to think of it. If we die together then we'll have some ok." I cried and said," Don't say that L-Luhan what if you die and what if we don't start a family together." Luhan said," Its ok Y.n I'll wait for you to come back to me and we'll start a happy family together." I said," Ok Luhan."
-End Flashback-
As you were crying you heard the front door and you went to it and opened it. You saw the captain from the military and he said," Are you Ms.Xi?" I said," Y-Yes I am." He came inside and said," I got some bad news to tell you Ms.Xi." I said," W-What is it sir." He took a deep breathe and he gave me the cd that Luhan recorded for me. I played the cd and I saw Luhan and he said," Hey Y.n how are you. I hope you're fine I'm sorry I hadn't call you just as I promised you. I'm sorry but I'll be dead soon my Ms. deer don't worry I'll be fine and when I die remember don't cry. I'll wait for you to be with me so we can start a family together just like what I said the past 3 years right. Well I want you to know that I-I love you so much I'll never forget you and I never will. Goodbye Y.n see you in heaven." As the cd ended I was crying even more and said," LUHAN NO!!!! YOU CANT LEAVE ME ALONE IN EARTH DONT WORRY IM COMING TO YOU I WILL KILL MYSELF FOR YOU TO COME TO YOU NOW LUHAN!!!!" The captain of the military said," Im sorry for your loss Ms.Xi. Um....Luhan's funeral is on December 31,2014. Well I got to go now." I said," Luhan I'll miss you my manly deer." I was crying all day and I thought to myself "Luhan's funeral is on Christmas. That's the day he sang me the first snow (Chinese Version)." I said," I guess I'll never hear your sweet voice and I'll never see your adorable face ever again that now you're gone."

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