16 | fiddle-dee-dee

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Between two and three in the morning, a few things had happened.

            One. Miles had (mostly) sobered up after singing the Proclaimers and a couple more hours of dancing with Jensen. He'd pocketed his coin so it was out of sight and mind.

            Two. Liberty and Dayna were nowhere to be found.

            Three. Jensen finally found Liberty, Miles finally found Dayna. After about half an hour of dividing and conquering the party floor. And meeting in the middle when they'd found them. The middle being, of course, one of the many bar stations set up in the warehouse.

            Four. Once reunited with the group, Dayna insisted on karaoke because it was supposedly a Halloween tradition. (Miles looked just as confused as Jensen and Liberty did.) (But he agreed they should definitely go to a karaoke bar whether it was tradition or not.)

            Five. Dayna and Miles were frantically Googling because Liberty had insisted that karaoke was a fantastic idea and the plan was to find the best one nearby.

            At that point, Miles was talking to the valet while the three women stayed inside. Jensen was leaned against the wall opposite of the one Liberty and Dayna were against. When Jensen wanted to pretend she was busy, she randomly looked through photos on her phone's camera roll. Which was exactly what she was doing at that moment.


            When Jensen looked up, Miles was poking his head in through the front doors. "Yeah?"

            "Did you drink any of that drink I got you?"


            "Do you have your license?"

Jensen didn't want to feel like she was yelling. Even though the music was booming and there was enough screaming from upstairs that essentially no one could've been disturbed anyway. She took the few steps closer to Miles. "Liberty should have it... yeah."

            "Why does she have your license?"

            "She has my phone too."


            Jensen pulled at the sides of her dress. "No pockets."

            Miles wrinkled his nose. "If I can get sequinned pants with pockets, you should be able to get a Baby dress with pockets."

            "You haven't gone shopping with me in a while, have you?" Dayna asked, stopping beside Jensen. Jensen tried to hide the fact that she jumped.

            "She also gave me her phone," Liberty said, as she walked over, sliding said phone from her pocket and handing it to Jensen. "Because she doesn't answer it any way."

            Jensen took her phone from Liberty. "I do so."

            "Sorry." Liberty turned back to Miles. "She doesn't answer it when us mere mortals text her."


            "Are you comfortable with driving, Rhodes?"

            "I can drive," Dayna said.

            "I'd actually love to get to karaoke alive tonight," Miles said. "Maybe next time, Dom Toretto."

Dayna gaped at him. "Excuse you!"

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