**Eating Gelato

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Soz, m8's, I'm too lazy to check who's hated by who.

Aries: South Korea and he would get da strawberry

Taurus: Poland and he would get chocolate and Raspberry (okay, has anyone every had this before? If so, is it good? Update- I have. It's delicious.)

Gemini: U.K. Would get English Tea flavour (I'm like 50% sure this is an actual flavour you can get)

Cancer: America and he would get chocolate.

Leo: France would get B A G U E T T E, J.K. France would get one scoop chocolate, one scoop strawberry

Virgo: Kiwi would get passion fruit.

Libra: Spain would have Raspberry flavour.

Scorpio: Germany would be the total rebel and get 'pregnancy cravings' (TLDR: it's an actual Gelato flavour that I saw in Germany)

Sagittarius: Canada would get maple flavour (as I edit this I'm continuing with the syrup jokes. Canada's got a lot.)

Capricorn: Aussie would get a rich chocolate, with half a scoop Raspberry, half a scoop passion fruit.

Aquarius: Papua would get mango

Pisces: Mexico would get Vanilla

A/N: What type of Gelato would you guys get?
Also, which country are ya'll from? (Like living in currently) I'm from Australia!
Ciao for now!

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