Who you'd watch an animated movie with

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Once again, too lazy to check who hates who

Aries: Mulan with China

Taurus: Beauty and the Beast with France

Gemini: Robin Hood with UK

Cancer: The Princess and the Frog with USA

Leo: Tangled with Germany

Virgo: Brave with Scotland

Libra: Frozen with Norway

Scorpio: A Disney channel special with USA

Sagittarius: Ferdinand with Spain

Capricorn: Finding Nemo with Australia

Aquarius: Book of Life with Mexico 

Pisces: Encanto with Columbia 

Sorry it took so long, I went to my grandpa's funeral yesterday and felt way too sad to do anything. It was a challenge not to sob yesterday, that's when I realised that as soon as you got that clear, silent, big breath, you're good to go for a bit.
Also, I'm at 1k reads, yay! Thank ya all!
Ciao for now!

This chapter is just watching a movie with a country the movie was set in!

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