To have you with us

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To have you with us


No response. Rustling was heard inside the house, but her mother hadn't heard her, apparently.


Yiwha repeated as loud as possible, a little bit panicking. Leon already tried crawling away and he was only wearing one shoe till now. His jacket was lying on the floor, forgotten in all the mess they had made. Why did she have to help her brother anyway? With a bit more panic she grapped his ankle and pulled him closer again: "MOM!"


Shin looked out of the window towards the horizon over the sea. It was still bright outside, the weather looking perfect for New Years Eve. But he knew it would soon be dark. Probably around the time he arrived at the harbor if everything went well.

Working on New Year was frustrating, but it had to be done. He'd had some chinese partners to talk to and other stuff had to be finished before he could have a few days off. At least his schedule was cleared for now. He'd go crazy if he had to go to work during the next week.

Shin sighed, looking at his watch again. Why couldn't he be there already? He'd promised to help with the preparations and it was almost time to go. They'd planned something special for today, after all.

Slowly the harbor came into sight and Shin could already see Neo's car parked close to it. There weren't many guests with him on the ship and it was kinda quiet, which he enjoyed. He'd spend enough time with people, now he only wanted his loved ones around him.

When the ship came closer the door of the car opened and Neo stepped out of it. Although the car was a small bus, Neo could still be seen above it. At least a little bit. He went around the front and opened another door, but Shin couldn't see much more. Did he have any of the kids with him?

Shin felt himself get giddy with excitement.

It had been three weeks since he'd last been able to visit them and video calls weren't enough, truth to be said. If he could only push the boat to go faster ...


Neo lifted Kao out of his seat, the little feet dangling beneath him. Maybe he shouldn't have put so many clothes on his son, but it had been kind of cold and didn't want him to freeze while they waited.


Neo smiled: "Yes, your Pa is arriving soon. We'll go and watch him, okay?"

The little guy's eyes seemed to shine and he couldn't get on the ground fast enough. Just able to walk and so ambitious already!

Leaning down and holding the little hand in his own they walked towards the gates in front of the landing stage. A little poke in the back reminded him to pick up the back exercises again. Who'd have thought having three small kids would have such an impact on the health of someone as healthy as Neo?

But he'd rather have back pain than another hit man pointing their gun at him, he thought while smiling.


Kao pointed with one finger towards the boat, while his little feet tried bringing him closer to the meeting point.

"Patience, little padawan."

Finally arriving, Neo lifted Kao up on his arms, so he'd stay warm while waiting.

The boat was already close, turning and slowing down to land. Guests were pouring out to the deck, preparing to leave. There weren't many and Shin was clearly visible, waving as soon as he had spotted them.

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