Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It took some convincing, but Spark Plug, Powder and Flint came back to Montana with me. On the drive there, they quietly informed me that each of them had received an honorable discharge. At first I was shocked. “But, why, I mean y’all had several more years left in you.” Powder laughed, but I could tell it wasn’t a happy one.

“It didn’t make any sense to us to continue when our team wasn’t together any more. I mean, first we lose you. Then we got the new leader. He wasn’t anywhere as good as you were Ace.” Flint snickers and I look at him. “We started calling him haole.” I shake my head, trying to keep the smile from forming on my lips. “Who gave him the tag?”

“Tech.” Flint answers and then goes quiet. I knew they were watching me. Shrugging my shoulders, I laugh softly. “He always did give out the best tags didn’t he?” I ask softly, turning my ring. Powder spoke up, “Who were those Rangers there today?”

“Remember that little trip we took down into Mexico to find that group of Rangers?” They all nod and I could tell that my parents and brother was listening in as well. “That was them. Hopper was the one that flew me to Tech’s side when the General called me. Spade is the guy who was banged up pretty bad, but wouldn’t let us take him until his men were on the boat.”

“What was that you were telling Tech in the hospital right before…Well, y’all were talking about you saving our lives or something?”

“He brought up the first time we met, and I brought up our first missions together as a team. He asked me about the shots I received to my back. I told him the truth: that I jumped between him and a guy that was aiming right for him. He had a silencer on his rifle so none of y’all heard him fire. I threw my knife at him, hitting him in the heart.” Opening up, I told them of each time I took a bullet or injury that was meant for one of them.

“The last time I took a bullet for one of y’all, it was on our last mission. I didn’t see the shooter, so I assume it was a sniper. Why he didn’t go for a kill shot in the first place, puzzled me. That is until I figured it out. The bullet that took my arm wasn’t meant for me. If it had hit its intended target, it would have ripped right through his heart.”

“Who was it?” Hackett demands. Keeping my eyes locked with his, I smile. “It would have been you Spark Plug that died. And I wouldn’t change a thing if I could. I would rather lose my arm than one of y’all any day.” Jake suddenly spoke up and brought me out of my little world. “Dang sis, and here I was thinking I was pretty tough because I managed to stay on Widow Maker for eight seconds.” We all laugh and I lay my head on Hackett’s shoulder, my eyes closing on their own.

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