Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

            The guys and I were making our way through the open field as quickly as we could. On this mission however, we were a man short. Tech had taken a bullet the last mission and was still recovering. We were sent to rescue five marines from a drug lord who managed to surprise their convoy.

            It was weird going on a mission without Tech, but the Colonel had lent us another radio man from another team. But it wasn’t the same without Tech with us. I called him The Kid once and it stuck. But he didn’t seem to mind.

            The compound was just a few hundred feet in front of us. Powder and Flint scouted a little and reported back that there were twenty men with rifles doing patrols around the outside of the fence. But there was a pattern: those two could find patterns in anything.

            Taking them down one at a time, we hid their bodies in a thick clump of berry bushes. They wouldn’t be waking up for a long time, and when they did, they would have major headaches. We double check our weapons and move towards the gate, taking out any guards or spot lights we come across.

            We breached the gate and rushed quietly into the building. Room by room we cleared the two story building. But we didn’t find any sign of the men we were looking for. That is, until The Kid found a hidden trap door leading down to a basement. We slipped down the stairs like ghost. There were two doors before us. The Kid and I chose the one that had a new looking handle on it. Spark Plug, Powder and Flint took the other door.

            On the count of three, we kicked the doors in. I heard shots from behind me, but I didn’t turn. In front of me were the five marines. They were chained to the wall and looked like they just received the beating of their life only seconds before we came in. They flinched when we barged in, but no emotion showed on their faces. Until it registered with them that we were here to help.

            The firing ceased and the guys appeared with a set of keys. They quickly unlocked the hand chains and I went about cleaning up a few of their minor wounds and cuts. “All right guys. Now the plan is once we get moving, we’ll be moving pretty fast, stopping here and there for water and a quick bite. It’s our goal to get all five of y’all back home in one piece and alive.”

            “We understand ma’am. You won’t hear us complaining.” One of them says as they stand up and start to move around. “Good. When we leave, I want the five of you to stay in the middle of us no matter what happens. I’m sure that y’all can fight, but right now, you’re under my watch.” Gathering up our things, we make our way up the stairs. We had just made it to the clearing when a shout rang out.        

            The Kid tensed slightly and we all huddle around the marines keeping them protected. “Well, they know we’re here now.” Spark Plug jokes and I hit him on the arm. The Kid lets me know that the helicopter would take about twenty minutes to reach us. I look around for cover and my eyes light up when I spy a small cave with several trees around it.

            “Powder, Flint, I want y’all to check out that cave. Make sure it doesn’t have a back way in. And make sure at it can hold at least five.” They nod and hurry towards it. Within five seconds they’re back out waving for us to join them. “Ace, it’ll hold about six men. And there’s no back way it.”

            “That’s good. Flint I want you and the marines to stay in the cave and I want you to be by the door. If anyone that’s not wearing American uniform tries to enter, you know what to do.” The marines protested, but we just shoved them in. Flint joined them and the rest of us found cover and waited.

            Within minutes, the cartel’s men started to pour into the clearing. They fired first and we returned it. Wave after wave we fought. Finally, the faint sounds of copter reached us and the guys let out a softy yell. I grin and jerk my head towards the tunnel. Forming a protective ring around the injured soldiers, we edged our way to where four rope ladders were waiting for us.

            A few cartel men would rush out into the clearing firing at us, but we handled them with easy. As I reached for the ladder, I felt dread settle in my stomach. Looking behind me, I notice that Powder was limp-running towards me as fast as he could, but something was wrong. He was wounded.

            I run towards him, taking down two men that were about to fire at us. Slamming the rope into his hands, I face the enemy as they start to rush us. Several times I felt the all too familiar sting of bullets biting into my flesh, but I didn’t make a sound. The second Powder’s body disappeared into the copter, I start to climb.

            “Go, go, go!” I ordered, pulling myself up. Feeling my eyes become heavy, I force myself to grab the top rung. Hands grabbed me and pulled me in. Lying on the floor watching the trees fly by below, I could feel my heart start to slow down. Suddenly, the copter banked a little too much to the right, and I felt as I rolled halfway out. A scream ripped from my throat as someone grabbed my leg.      

            I jerk awake as I fall off the couch screaming. Jumping to my feet, I sit on the edge of the couch. I heard the sound of Henry falling out of his bed and I sigh. Looking around for my shoes, I slip them on and head out of the cabin. On my second lap, Henry joined me. We didn’t talk as we ran, but I could feel his worry for me seeping from his body.

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