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As I lay on my bed staring at the wall, I still couldn’t believe it. Ten years serving as a Navy Seal, and it’s all gone. I kept the cover over my left arm, or what used to be my left arm. On my last mission, I had been shot while trying to make sure that every member of my team made it out.

I didn’t feel the bullet pierce my skin, and I didn’t realize that I was bleeding until Spark Plug noticed it after we were on our way to extraction. I cleaned it the best I could and covered it, but it was too late. By the time we were picked up, it was infected. And by the time we reached the ship, I was unconscious.

S.P. felt bad because that bullet was meant for him. But I stepped in front of him just in time. Hearing a knock on the door, I chuckle softly. Speak of the devil and he’ll appear. “Come on in guys.” I call out as the door swings open.

Spark Plug, Flint, Powder, and Tech step in. I smile at them, but I know that they can tell it’s a fake. Sitting up, I cringe when my left shoulder bumps the bed. A small patch of crimson red starts to seep through the bandage.

Knowing by their facial expressions that they had some news for me, I nod towards the chairs, but there were only three so Tech wound up sitting on the edge of my bed. “What’s with the long faces guys?”

“They’re giving you an honorable discharge Ace. We just found out… And we thought it’d come easier for you if you heard it from us.” I nod once understanding. “Thanks guys. It still hurts, but I knew I was getting the axe.” I say motioning towards my now shortened arm. “You can’t do our job with just one arm.” I say laughing softly.

“Do you know who’s taking my place?”
            “No one can ever replace you Ace.” Tech speaks up and I just smile. “Thanks Tech, but someone will one day. Some hot shot will come in and wipe every record with my name off the wall without breaking a sweat.”

“I heard the brass was thinking about giving you a job as a recruiter, or maybe an instructor on teaching the newbie’s how to shoot proper.”

“Tell ‘em thanks, but no thanks. At least not right now. The second they let me out of here, I’m heading up to Montana to visit family. I haven’t been home since I joined.” I knew they understood. The nurse comes in and we all look at her. “Sorry guys, but Ms. McKenna here needs to take her pills and visiting time is over.”

“Thanks for coming guys. It means a lot to me.”

“Shoot, Ace. You couldn’t get rid of us even if you tried. We’re a team, and we stick together.” I laugh. “That we do Powder, that we do. Just make sure that y’all come earlier tomorrow alright?” They nod and slowly leave. I take the stupid pain pills and close my eyes. I missed my arm, and I would miss my job as a Seal, but if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change anything.

Spark Plug was alive and well and that’s all that mattered to me: that and the fact that he was able to return to his wife and three little girls again. What I didn’t like was the fact that on their next mission, I wouldn’t be there. But I knew that whoever took my place as team leader, they would do fine, I hope. It would kill me if I heard that any of the guys didn’t make it home because of a stupid decision made by their leader.

Sighing, I squeeze my eyes tight and let the memories float free. Once the pain pill hit me, I couldn’t keep them boxed up. As sleep claimed me, I was grateful to the darkness. 

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