A bothering brother

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Muzan's pov

I told him to touch my wound but i guess he thought i wanted him to touch something else.Dirty minded tanjiro.

I was not sure if he was the person i thought he was so i planned to check it and as i thought when he touched my wound it healed up. My face gave a smile after so long.

Then i noticed that he began to tremble and his eyes shut down as he fell but i caught him before his body interacted with the ground.

He really is the person i was looking for. My eyes teared up and i just hugged him while letting my tears fall down freely.

I quickly lifted tanjiro and placed him on a couch in an old equipment room. we aren't using it now so there shouldn't be any problem. Just when i was thinking about it i heard a door knock.

"Muzan just open the door already" it was none other than giyuu tch why that guy have to show up now out of all the time.

I opened the door since i had no choice i wanted to murder him and burry him there but out of all the people in the world he had to be related to me.

"Tch get out dad's favorite child there's no place for you here" i said and gave him the scariest glare but he wasn't bothered at all.

"why you gottta be so rude muzan. I'm the one who should be mad since you used my mate to heal up your wounds how cheap are you?" he hissed and came towards tanjiro but i blocked his way.

"oh who said that? he is my mate you know that his hands healed my wound not yours" i said casually not even taking him as a threat.

"Not only your birthmark is glowing....mine is also glowing" he said and lifted a part of  his clothing in his shoulder to reveal a glowling mark too.

I was shocked for a second how could he be tanjiro's mate?only mate's can heal their partners wounds and tanjiro healed mine so he's mine isn't he?

"Maybe your mate is someone else in this academy go and find them" i said and turned away from him but he wasn't planning to go.

"i'll wait for him to wake up" he said and sat down on a old bench which was near him.

"well i don't want my soulmate to see a bitchass unlucky face when he wakes up so get the fuck out" i kinda yelled this time.

"That's my line actually" he said not really wanting to start up a conversation with me.

"If you think i'll share him or something you're damn wrong" i said and glared daggers at him but he just ignored me.

"muzan just by seeing him makes me turned on if you aren't here, tanjiro would've lost his virginity and i would've been the cause of it" he said and smirked which made me want to fuckin break his head.

I walked up to him and took a pocket knife from my pocket and stabbed his eyes I don't regret it all all.

"ouch that hurts you know my brother" he said and his eyes regenerated. Shit only he inherited fathers quick healing ability.

"you're not my brother giyuu you're more like a bother" i said and he just laughed while clearly showing he likes to piss me off.

"That's no way to talk to your own flesh and blood muzan. You're forgetting you're a demon and seriously teaching people how to kill demons. My job is to watch over you but bro who would've thought i'd see my mate here" he said and got up.

"correction 'my mate' " i corrected him but he simply didn't care.

Please wake up soon to solve these problems tanjiro.


sorry ik it's a short chapter but i'll make the next chapter really long. bye!

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