Chapter VIII

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Henry got down to level 14. He wasn't ready for this. He got out and collected the ink heart from the dead Striker. Henry stood still for a moment, waiting for the scream of an angry projectionist. When he didn't hear the scream he got curious if the projectionist was dead from the last loop, like some kind of glitch in the loop.

Henry shrugged it off and walked down the stairs. He waited at the balcony, waiting for the light to come. But it never did. Now, Henry was confused. He also noticed that Alice never spoke to him at all.

"What is going on?" Henry asked himself. He decided to go down the stairs to the inky lake. He walked through the ink and went to the right hall. (Beacuse it the right hall, eh, eh?) Henry was walking down the hall when he noticed a light in the corner of his eye. Just out of instinct, he dove into the little miracle.

He waited until he heard foot steps, so he peeked out the small, rectangle, window. The projectionist was walking past the little miracle. But Henry noticed something. He thought he saw someone next to the tall inky figure. When the light was gone Henry stepped out of the box.

Henry decided to just find the hearts, get out, and give the angel what she wants. Henry walked around for what seemed like hours trying to find hearts. He found one after a little while. He picked up the ink heart and it made a splash sound. That's when he heard the scream. The man looked around for a little miracle, but couldn't find one.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!! Henry just ran around. He knew the projectionist could heard his footsteps but he just wanted to not get caught. Henry slipped on some ink and fell face first into it.

Henry was lifted off his feet and face to face with a bright light. Henry had the slightly close his eyes to see.

"Henry? Norman put him down." Henry remebered that voice. He was set back down, he wiped his ink covered face with his sleeve.

The projetion-headed creature dimmed its light so Henry could see better. He could now confirm who he heard. Sammy Lawrence was right beside Norman.

"Henry, why are you down here?" Sammy rushed over to Henry, making sure he was ok.

"Alice made me..." Henry looked down. He heard Norman's speaker make mumballing noices.

"Why'd you listen to her?" Norman asked. He crossed his arms not leaving his sight off Henry.

Henry went silent, "I.... don't know."

"Well at least your safe." Sammy pat Henry's shoulder. They both heard Norman make a 'hmph' sound.

"Well one things for sure, you ain't gettin' my hearts." Norman's eye light glared at Henry's hand that was holding the heart.

Henry tossed Norman the heart. He caught it and placed it back on the ground near a diffrent butcher gang member.

"So, what am I suppsed to do?" Henry asked.

Norman shruged, "You can get out my domain. That's the first option. Or you can try and get my hearts, and you'll end up dead."

"Norman! Be a little nicer." Sammy faced Norman. He rolled his eye light.

"Ah! How about we all go up to level K?" Sammy said. "We can head our way to the music departmant and plan on what to do there!"

Henry opened his mouth to talk, "Well, y'all can go up there. I'm stayin' here. Where it's dark."

Like your heart. Henry thought. Henry frozed when Norman glared at Henry. Oh shit.

"C'mon Normy. Please?" Sammy begged. He jumped up at Norman hugging his waist.

Norman pushed Sammy off him, "Fine, fine. Also, don't call me that."

The three made their way to the elevator, to no surprise, Norman hesitated a bit before going in. They made their way to Sammy's domain. When they got there, Sammy rushed around the music department, doing his usual routine on getting into his office.

Henry sat on the floor, Sammy sat in his chair greeting Jack in his ink filled toilet, and Norman sat in a corner. Jack waved at Norman, he only nodded his head. Henry played with his fingers, worrying about how Bendy, Boris and Alice will react about him being gone for so long. Henry stopped thinking about it when Norman looked at him.

It was quiet for a moment before Sammy broke it, "So, you said Alice skiped all of the other assignments, to just get hearts?"

Henry nodded. "Well that's stupid. She should know to stop sending things to my domain. I swear I'm gonna strangle 'er" Norman growled. "Why'd you even listen to 'er?"

Norman shot Henry a glare. "I-I don't know."

"Well, let's ask her personally."

(Yeet! Cliffhanger-ish. 803 words and a fanart thing!!!)

 803 words and a fanart thing!!!)

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