Chapter XIII

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Bendy, Henry, Sammy, Norman, and Boris all sat down at the table, playing cards. Bendy was confused at first but got the hang of it.

"I win!" Sammy sat standing up shooting his arms in the air.

"Alright sit down, show off." Norman said looking at Sammy.

"Another round?" Bendy asked?

Boris shrugged. Henry looked down at his cards. Sammy laughed and sat down, Norman rolled his eye light at Sammy.

"I bet I'd win again." Sammy said proudly.

"Oh, stop bein' full of your self!" Norman looked at Sammy with a glare.

Sammy crossed his arms, "I am not,"

"Yes you are!"


"Ugh, whatever." Norman rolled his eye light again.

Boris took a sip of his bacon soup. Bendy looked at Henry and nudged him with his arm, "You good?"

Henry looked up at Bendy then down again. "Yeah... I'm just confused. We haven't gotten attacked by Alice yet... but I know she didn't give up trying to get Boris."

Boris looked down with his ears to the sides of his head, Sammy pat his arm to let him know it's ok.

"Yeah, and possibly me too." Norman said.

Henry nodded, "Mabey we should go check around the studio? Just in case?"

Boris shook his head and Sammy hugged him. Bendy set his cards down and stood up. "Well, I'm at least going to."

It took a lot of convincing to get everyone in a group to look around. Everyone had to leave so they know if someone was taken or not. Just in case.

They all wondered around Heavenly Toys, the toy workshop, even level P and level 11. Not one searcher popped up to attack them. It was just silence and the quiet drips of ink.

"This is pointless. There's nothing here." Norman crossed his arms.

"Should we check level 9? I mean, it's not like we're going to find something there if these levels are empty." Sammy pointed out.

Bendy shrugged, "Alright, but if you get caught by little miss asshole then that's fine by me."

Norman huffed. They all made their way to the elevator and went to level 9. Bendy walked out first, then Henry, the Boris, Norman and Sammy.

Sammy's words were wrong when a couple of searchers came up but didn't move.

"You were saying, Sammy?" Sammy glared at Norman, he knew just by Sammy's reaction even though his face was covered in ink.

The searchers just woddled off to the metal door and suck below the studio again. "Did they seriously lead us here? We were going here anyway." Henry said.

Boris stayed behind Henry and shook. Then the metal door opened slowly. Everyone looked at each other then walked in.

Boris looked down the whole time and Sammy froze when he saw the butcher gand and Boris clones all dead. He follwed shortly after when he calmed down.

"Be careful and don't fall, unless you want to suffocate to death." Bendy walked with ease across the boars while everyone ealse had trouble balancing a little.

Sammy almost fell backwards into the ink but Norman caught him. When they got across they walked into the room Alice ussually stands in, but she wasn't there.

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